Christmas is over and I am ready to come back and talk to myself again. During the campaign I, like many other college students, were bombarded with Obama imagery, free concerts and voter turnout rallies. During one of these I happened to walk by an Obama booth. The campaign stumper there told me all the usual, and my favorite line I was fed was 'You know Obama is going to give you 5k for college right?' I am sure this type of bribe works on a lot of people. Of course I brought up all the usual, “Where are you going to get the money?” “We are going to end the Iraq war. Then we will have all the money we need.” “That won't save enough money.” It continued for awhile of course.
It seems to never occur to anyone in college that money does not grow on trees. I always found that strange since presumably they all work for a living. I am a broke college student. I know people are having a hard time keeping up with bills. Still many college students are now rejoicing in their handouts. After the election I manged to sit down and think over this fact. When I mulled over it for a bit, I went temporarily insane because of what I figured out.
First of all this money must come from somewhere so therefor taxes go up, therefor prices go up and job losses go up. None of this is helpful obviously but this is also well covered by many before me. Let us assume for a second that the Obama stumper was right and let us say that the Iraq war would cover all of this. The simple fact is that colleges are businesses. It may seem to many libs to be somehow evil but these schools are not teaching law and economics for their health, they do it for a profit. Every college prices the tuition to restrict and attract certain groups of people. Higher prices tend to hit the high capita families, other colleges target middle classes and still others target upper lower classes. What do you think will happen if you throw 4k into the mix? If colleges really were these ultra accepting institutions that wanted to get more lower income families into college, then they could just lower the tuition cost 4k. The simple fact is that they are priced where they believe they can get the most money. Unfortunately what will almost certainly happen is that tuition will actually increase 4k across the board.
This gets better. To get these 4k dollar government handouts, an individual needs to work for 100 hours of community service. So tuition goes up 4k a year meaning people who are just making the cut, like me, are no longer able to afford college. So now I am expected to go to college full-time, work full-time, study for about three hours (I am lazy) a week and perform 100 hours of community service. I find it strange that conservatives are always being compared to Hitler and called racists and made out to be somehow evil, yet with all this evil scheming going on we still have not reinstituted indentured servitude. Man, if I could only remember what amendment to the constitution banned that.
This was the part that made me go nutso for a week. What is wrong with people? This in reality is worse then indentured servitude because most indentured servants were indentured because they had to pay off a debt owed for coming to the new world, in this case I would effectively lose over seventy credits of hard work and money spent. It seems you do not need whips to enslave a college student.
I am sure it will be only a short while before someone tries to pass this off as a 'free market solution'. Why is it liberals believe that a 'free market' always involves massive government interventionism? The last I checked, the free market was supposed to be a bastion for individualism. It seems that now the free market is a gigantic charity auction with more suits then Italy has made in the last half century.
Of course this would be bad on its own but wait theres more! I know, this is one sick game show. The Obama Biden team have come up with yet another way to make this worse. The tax-credit (handout for those of you who have not been paying attention to this scheme) is fully-refundable to any college student. Call me crazy but I think you do not need to be a college student to figure out that if you sign up for one class at a community college then you will rake in a lot of dough. This problem is a bit more iffy as it is possible that Obama may get some restriction on this to reign in government abuse. Wait... never mind; I forgot where we were.
Normally this next paragraph would be the part where I lament that our constitution is no longer being followed but I am sure that train has gone and passed and blew up somewhere in the Gobi desert. No the entire collection of college students will take one in the rear end coming this next fall. If people would just read or maybe just think a little then all our problems could be solved. As long as people go looking for a handout from big brother though this is not going to happen.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
You wanted it and now you have it.
Well there you have it; Obama won. If you’re a lib I am sure your happy, which if your like me, is just plain strange when you think about it. It is like watching a guy with schizophrenia cut off his arm to stop it from hurting him. If you are a lib I am sure your thinking “Oh just another republican ticked off he lost. GET OVER IT. (loser)” My favorite gloating comment came from a guy yesterday night who told me “Get over it and work with us.” No doubt he is all for unity. I, on the other hand, care only about ideology, conservative ideology that is (with some libertarianism thrown in to boot). This means that if Barrack keeps his promises then I could never “work with him”. Sorry, it does not work that way. If I disagree I will straight up tell you. “Working with him” would require going against everything I believe in.
This post isn’t about me being angry. As the title suggests, this is about what you want. You voted for Barrack and now he will be our president on January 20. I will merely be informative about what you have done to yourself. I am sure you won’t believe any of this but keep reading and remember. I told you this will happen. I will state a position you voted for and then show you precisely how you will get it. Enjoy.
“I voted for him because he will finally stop working for the rich and help out the middle class/working poor.”
Certainly he will tax the rich, and every conservative will howl at the idea. Not because we ourselves our rich (technically with my current income I would fall under Obama’s money giveaway), but because it simply is wrong, period. That is right, even if it screws me I don’t believe in taxes above and beyond what it takes to run the country (note: I am only including constitutional duties, not money givaways).
The problem is that he wants to kill the Bush tax cuts which, when implemented, decreased taxes for everyone with taxable income above 6k dollars. The cuts in the 2001 cuts were 3% for anyone in the 28% tax bracket and above and a tax cut of 4.6% on the highest bracket. (Source: numbers for individuals, brackets are higher for all other statuses. You can also read the actual document posted by the IRS, though if you have a life (lucky) then you will want to skip it. That is a lot more in depth. Enjoy.)
“The bush tax cuts helped the middle class?” Yes, we have been telling you this for five years. What? You think we are going to lie? Why wouldn’t you make the same assumption about the other side? I don’t have a history of lying to others and most conservatives I know don’t either. To late though so this is what you get if this was your mistake.
Now taxes will increase on everyone. Certainly this will affect the ‘rich’ more but never-the-less it will hit everyone. He is a problem though. The rich can take a hit. If I had 200k and lost ten percent then, well that sucks. If you an the other hand have 35k and lose ten percent then that is the difference between buying a new TV and taking your child out of that jumpstart program for elementary. So say goodbye to your child’s college aspirations, hello McDonalds. It gets worse of course.
The ‘rich’ will want their 10% back. Since they tend to be the class that runs businesses then they will increase prices. For those of you who don’t read economics, that means inflation. Further, they cannot just raise prices forever to combat high costs. No one will by a three dollar banana. So they must reduce costs. If Obama didn’t already say he was going to mandate healthcare insurance then that would probably go. A pay cut would make sense but won’t happen because that too is locked out for any minimum wage job. So if your Richie rich then you will fire people. This means job losses.
“That can’t be true, Obama said he would create jobs.” The fact that you believe that is why people like me are shaking our heads in shame. Taxes NEVER create jobs. “But Obama said he will give tax breaks to those corporations that provide jobs.” Even if he does that it will not be sufficient to counter Obama’s progressive tax that is more then 50%. The tax break would have to be a fifty percent cut on Obama’s own proposed tax increase. This means that even if we were all lying about the Bush tax cuts then the middle class would not do well under Obama. Further people who pay no net taxes (i.e. receive rebates equal to their taxed income) will receive additional checks. Good news if you make less then 25k per year (till the inflation gets them anyway), but everyone else is stuck will the check. Have you figured it out yet?
“I voted for Barrack Obama because the republicans screwed up the economy.”
This is an example of a half-truth. Yes, Bush allowed several measures that increased the national debt to pass. This irritates me as well, but this has little to do with the economy. Why bring it up then? Because libs often do, usually using this as a reason against the Iraq war (front). Although this increase in debt does exist remember, article I section VII states “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives”. So this includes budgets. If you think this doesn’t clear the republicans then remember this. During the entire six years of republican congresses the debt increased 2,947,308,345,232.84 but under the last two years of democratic congress the debt has increased 1,891,061,112,953.10. This equates to 490 billion per year for the republicans and 945 billion per year for the democrats. That is nearly double. Even if the Iraq war had never happened the deficit per year would be only 100 billion less. (source
This really does not matter though since this has little to do with the economy until the printing presses start. However the Community Reinvestment Act is a big cause of our problems. It is the bill that created Fannie and Freddy, and during the Clinton administration they both were told to give out sub-prime loans en mass. Loans to people who cannot pay? Seems to me to be a bad idea but hey, who am I to judge Clinton’s economic ideas? This was forseen for years and ignored by the democratic congress. So now capital is running dry. Combine this with the taxes Obama will increase and we are screwed. (see a pattern?)
“I voted for Barrack Obama because he is pro choice/gay rights/environment etc…”
At least in this case you are voting for an ideology. In the case of abortion I think it is abominable and gay rights (i.e. marrage) I think the solution is a poor one. In fact I have already provided arguments against these so read those then come back.
“I voted for Barrack Obama because he is black and we need a black president.”
The argument for this is always retarded. Either we need to make up for past wrongs or we need to make history. The first one is easy to defeat because if that one is true then we should also elect Kim Jung Il for putting him through all the trouble we put him through with our sanctions. It would also make sense to elect an Islamic, an Indian, an Irishman, a Russian immigrant… see where this goes? Even though we have enslaved an entire people, that is not a sufficient reason to have one as president.
The history making argument goes awry as well. If this is your argument then understand it goes both ways. If Obama becomes a great president (a laughable idea), then he will go down in history books as a great man. You could continue this and say things like “our past wrongs would be righted” (see last paragraph) “Our world and our country will be more diverse” or any other ideas. The ones you choose don’t really matter. If however he is a bad president then he will be infamous. Even if he is a sort of bad president the world will remember him as a disappointment. This taken to its conclusion suggests that all we have done if force every black guy after him to live under his shadow. If he is a good president then hurray, but if he is even a little bad then it will be harder for every successor to get out. So by this logic I would say you only wanted to make it harder on them all. That is a bad idea.
The major point I am trying to raise on the last reason is that you need to pick someone based on their ideology not some superficial trait. It would be as if I picked Paris Hilton. Granted that isn’t entirely as bad a Barrack, after all, she does have a better energy plan the Obama.
Oh well. In two years we can take back congress and in the meantime filibustering is still a slight possibility. Barrack is safe though I have no doubt. Now that the election is over I think I will focus on theory a lot. The big challenge for conservatives will be to educate their friends and family. This isn’t just a war of people, it is a war of ideas, and I think in the grand scheme of things our ideas are better.
This post isn’t about me being angry. As the title suggests, this is about what you want. You voted for Barrack and now he will be our president on January 20. I will merely be informative about what you have done to yourself. I am sure you won’t believe any of this but keep reading and remember. I told you this will happen. I will state a position you voted for and then show you precisely how you will get it. Enjoy.
“I voted for him because he will finally stop working for the rich and help out the middle class/working poor.”
Certainly he will tax the rich, and every conservative will howl at the idea. Not because we ourselves our rich (technically with my current income I would fall under Obama’s money giveaway), but because it simply is wrong, period. That is right, even if it screws me I don’t believe in taxes above and beyond what it takes to run the country (note: I am only including constitutional duties, not money givaways).
The problem is that he wants to kill the Bush tax cuts which, when implemented, decreased taxes for everyone with taxable income above 6k dollars. The cuts in the 2001 cuts were 3% for anyone in the 28% tax bracket and above and a tax cut of 4.6% on the highest bracket. (Source: numbers for individuals, brackets are higher for all other statuses. You can also read the actual document posted by the IRS, though if you have a life (lucky) then you will want to skip it. That is a lot more in depth. Enjoy.)
“The bush tax cuts helped the middle class?” Yes, we have been telling you this for five years. What? You think we are going to lie? Why wouldn’t you make the same assumption about the other side? I don’t have a history of lying to others and most conservatives I know don’t either. To late though so this is what you get if this was your mistake.
Now taxes will increase on everyone. Certainly this will affect the ‘rich’ more but never-the-less it will hit everyone. He is a problem though. The rich can take a hit. If I had 200k and lost ten percent then, well that sucks. If you an the other hand have 35k and lose ten percent then that is the difference between buying a new TV and taking your child out of that jumpstart program for elementary. So say goodbye to your child’s college aspirations, hello McDonalds. It gets worse of course.
The ‘rich’ will want their 10% back. Since they tend to be the class that runs businesses then they will increase prices. For those of you who don’t read economics, that means inflation. Further, they cannot just raise prices forever to combat high costs. No one will by a three dollar banana. So they must reduce costs. If Obama didn’t already say he was going to mandate healthcare insurance then that would probably go. A pay cut would make sense but won’t happen because that too is locked out for any minimum wage job. So if your Richie rich then you will fire people. This means job losses.
“That can’t be true, Obama said he would create jobs.” The fact that you believe that is why people like me are shaking our heads in shame. Taxes NEVER create jobs. “But Obama said he will give tax breaks to those corporations that provide jobs.” Even if he does that it will not be sufficient to counter Obama’s progressive tax that is more then 50%. The tax break would have to be a fifty percent cut on Obama’s own proposed tax increase. This means that even if we were all lying about the Bush tax cuts then the middle class would not do well under Obama. Further people who pay no net taxes (i.e. receive rebates equal to their taxed income) will receive additional checks. Good news if you make less then 25k per year (till the inflation gets them anyway), but everyone else is stuck will the check. Have you figured it out yet?
“I voted for Barrack Obama because the republicans screwed up the economy.”
This is an example of a half-truth. Yes, Bush allowed several measures that increased the national debt to pass. This irritates me as well, but this has little to do with the economy. Why bring it up then? Because libs often do, usually using this as a reason against the Iraq war (front). Although this increase in debt does exist remember, article I section VII states “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives”. So this includes budgets. If you think this doesn’t clear the republicans then remember this. During the entire six years of republican congresses the debt increased 2,947,308,345,232.84 but under the last two years of democratic congress the debt has increased 1,891,061,112,953.10. This equates to 490 billion per year for the republicans and 945 billion per year for the democrats. That is nearly double. Even if the Iraq war had never happened the deficit per year would be only 100 billion less. (source
This really does not matter though since this has little to do with the economy until the printing presses start. However the Community Reinvestment Act is a big cause of our problems. It is the bill that created Fannie and Freddy, and during the Clinton administration they both were told to give out sub-prime loans en mass. Loans to people who cannot pay? Seems to me to be a bad idea but hey, who am I to judge Clinton’s economic ideas? This was forseen for years and ignored by the democratic congress. So now capital is running dry. Combine this with the taxes Obama will increase and we are screwed. (see a pattern?)
“I voted for Barrack Obama because he is pro choice/gay rights/environment etc…”
At least in this case you are voting for an ideology. In the case of abortion I think it is abominable and gay rights (i.e. marrage) I think the solution is a poor one. In fact I have already provided arguments against these so read those then come back.
“I voted for Barrack Obama because he is black and we need a black president.”
The argument for this is always retarded. Either we need to make up for past wrongs or we need to make history. The first one is easy to defeat because if that one is true then we should also elect Kim Jung Il for putting him through all the trouble we put him through with our sanctions. It would also make sense to elect an Islamic, an Indian, an Irishman, a Russian immigrant… see where this goes? Even though we have enslaved an entire people, that is not a sufficient reason to have one as president.
The history making argument goes awry as well. If this is your argument then understand it goes both ways. If Obama becomes a great president (a laughable idea), then he will go down in history books as a great man. You could continue this and say things like “our past wrongs would be righted” (see last paragraph) “Our world and our country will be more diverse” or any other ideas. The ones you choose don’t really matter. If however he is a bad president then he will be infamous. Even if he is a sort of bad president the world will remember him as a disappointment. This taken to its conclusion suggests that all we have done if force every black guy after him to live under his shadow. If he is a good president then hurray, but if he is even a little bad then it will be harder for every successor to get out. So by this logic I would say you only wanted to make it harder on them all. That is a bad idea.
The major point I am trying to raise on the last reason is that you need to pick someone based on their ideology not some superficial trait. It would be as if I picked Paris Hilton. Granted that isn’t entirely as bad a Barrack, after all, she does have a better energy plan the Obama.
Oh well. In two years we can take back congress and in the meantime filibustering is still a slight possibility. Barrack is safe though I have no doubt. Now that the election is over I think I will focus on theory a lot. The big challenge for conservatives will be to educate their friends and family. This isn’t just a war of people, it is a war of ideas, and I think in the grand scheme of things our ideas are better.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Even crazy glue can't keep his trap shut.
I bet Obama’s campaign advisors are searching for a gag that will effectively muffle his speaking. I don’t think it would help in this case though. If you haven’t heard, then let me be the first to tell you about Obama’s latest gaff. This one is about seven years old.
In 2001 Obama gave an interview with the local NPR station WBEZ in Chicago. This of course being before he was planning to run for US senator or president, he spoke his mind as liberally as he could. There were many wonderful quotes from this. A few examples are such as these.
“the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society.”
“It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted, and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf”
“one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.”
Each of these quotes by themselves is scary. The second is my favorite though. Obama there was trying to state that the constitution does not define what the government is supposed to do for you. I think this is proof positive that Obama has ADHD. He was a professor of constitutional law in Chicago and he couldn’t even bother to read a couple pages in to see Article I section VIII? Maybe he skipped that, and Article II section III. This is somewhat amazing at first but take a look at the rest of this tape that surfaced on Youtube and other sites and it becomes apparent what he means.
The first quote was his reasons for believing that the Warren court was not really that radical. This was the same court that banned prayer in school but hey, who am I to judge. Those evil Christians had it coming. Naturally this is a very important quote as of late. After all, he has been speaking of redistributing the wealth. Some claim this means nothing, but in reality context is everything, and the context is his belief that we should re-interpret the constitution. If you do not believe that then just read quote number two.
Later in the tape he was asked about how to bring about this change. (Do you understand now why change isn’t always good?) He stated that he did not feel optimistic about these types of changes being made at the court level. (i.e. he doesn’t think anyone could get away with it.) However he never said it couldn’t be done legislatively. Of course it could be done legislatively; if you read the constitution then you will know that. The question is should it be done, and unfortunately he seems to answer that question for us today and in that interview.
This certainly came at a bad time for Obama. It has been only a few weeks after Joe the Plummer reared his head and the ripple was still going. Now this causes even more people to look at him and see that dreaded S word on his head. He is already considered foreign. The only thing he really had going for him was that many people falsely believe that McCain would just be more Bush. This fear is now being combated with a bigger fear; the fear of socialism and all other forms of totalitarianism.
To this I ask the question who is really surprised that Barrack believes this? Ideas of socialism permeate his speeches, radicalism drips from every word he spews from his mouth. Are people really this blind or do they want so bad to teach the Republican Party a lesson that they are willing to destroy the country?
His pastor subscribes to black liberation theology, a philosophy derived largely from socialism. William Ares (known lovingly as the fireworks specialist. He is available for parties and insurrections) is a radical from the 60s. Normally that would be all you need to know to know Ayres is bad but it is worth noting that he was also a bomber and a self described communist. These comments are unfair though. After all, lots of us detonate bombs in our capital. It’s a game we play called “guess what kind of timer I used this time.”
“But these are all past associations, they mean nothing.” Even allowing that, doesn’t Obama tie in really well with Obama? I think that association works great. People are starting to wake up and figure out what is going on. Unfortunately early voting has been going on for a bit so this revelation will have a reduced effect.
His third quote that I pulled was by far the scariest. Sure, the first one smacks of socialism and the second one shows just how little he knows about the constitution, but the third one calls for action “on the ground”. If you substituted “political and community organizing and activities” with “Proletariat organizing and activities” then you have a near verbatim quote of Marx and Engels. Revolution is what that one is about, specifically with regard to “redistributive change.” His own website tells you that you must ask not about what change he can bring but the change you can bring. That is as fascist/socialist as you can get without wearing the colors.
“Your being paranoid.” Maybe, then again there is a reason we have more then one country in shambles because of these ideas. Countries like the USSR, Cuba, Italy, and Germany don’t convince people to help them out by promising gulags. It is always some form of Utopia that is promised. Barrack wants us to believe that if we vote for him then the middle class will prosper and the ‘evil’ rich will be brought under the reins of the government. Health care will be affordable (‘free’) and everyone will be given a fair shake. He doesn’t mention that we will also be under his thumb and that the fairness of our shake is entirely up to him, congress and bureaucrats. If you believe that he would never abuse his power like that then look at Russia under Lenin. Even if he were incorruptible then would you want to bet that the next guy will be also?
The fact is that the people are starting to see him for what he is. This is a problem because his real self is just plain scary. The polls are beginning to reflect this as the AP shows McCain just one point behind, well within the 2.5% margin of error. Well Halloween is on Friday so maybe Obama will go as himself. That might scare the children though.
In 2001 Obama gave an interview with the local NPR station WBEZ in Chicago. This of course being before he was planning to run for US senator or president, he spoke his mind as liberally as he could. There were many wonderful quotes from this. A few examples are such as these.
“the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society.”
“It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted, and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf”
“one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.”
Each of these quotes by themselves is scary. The second is my favorite though. Obama there was trying to state that the constitution does not define what the government is supposed to do for you. I think this is proof positive that Obama has ADHD. He was a professor of constitutional law in Chicago and he couldn’t even bother to read a couple pages in to see Article I section VIII? Maybe he skipped that, and Article II section III. This is somewhat amazing at first but take a look at the rest of this tape that surfaced on Youtube and other sites and it becomes apparent what he means.
The first quote was his reasons for believing that the Warren court was not really that radical. This was the same court that banned prayer in school but hey, who am I to judge. Those evil Christians had it coming. Naturally this is a very important quote as of late. After all, he has been speaking of redistributing the wealth. Some claim this means nothing, but in reality context is everything, and the context is his belief that we should re-interpret the constitution. If you do not believe that then just read quote number two.
Later in the tape he was asked about how to bring about this change. (Do you understand now why change isn’t always good?) He stated that he did not feel optimistic about these types of changes being made at the court level. (i.e. he doesn’t think anyone could get away with it.) However he never said it couldn’t be done legislatively. Of course it could be done legislatively; if you read the constitution then you will know that. The question is should it be done, and unfortunately he seems to answer that question for us today and in that interview.
This certainly came at a bad time for Obama. It has been only a few weeks after Joe the Plummer reared his head and the ripple was still going. Now this causes even more people to look at him and see that dreaded S word on his head. He is already considered foreign. The only thing he really had going for him was that many people falsely believe that McCain would just be more Bush. This fear is now being combated with a bigger fear; the fear of socialism and all other forms of totalitarianism.
To this I ask the question who is really surprised that Barrack believes this? Ideas of socialism permeate his speeches, radicalism drips from every word he spews from his mouth. Are people really this blind or do they want so bad to teach the Republican Party a lesson that they are willing to destroy the country?
His pastor subscribes to black liberation theology, a philosophy derived largely from socialism. William Ares (known lovingly as the fireworks specialist. He is available for parties and insurrections) is a radical from the 60s. Normally that would be all you need to know to know Ayres is bad but it is worth noting that he was also a bomber and a self described communist. These comments are unfair though. After all, lots of us detonate bombs in our capital. It’s a game we play called “guess what kind of timer I used this time.”
“But these are all past associations, they mean nothing.” Even allowing that, doesn’t Obama tie in really well with Obama? I think that association works great. People are starting to wake up and figure out what is going on. Unfortunately early voting has been going on for a bit so this revelation will have a reduced effect.
His third quote that I pulled was by far the scariest. Sure, the first one smacks of socialism and the second one shows just how little he knows about the constitution, but the third one calls for action “on the ground”. If you substituted “political and community organizing and activities” with “Proletariat organizing and activities” then you have a near verbatim quote of Marx and Engels. Revolution is what that one is about, specifically with regard to “redistributive change.” His own website tells you that you must ask not about what change he can bring but the change you can bring. That is as fascist/socialist as you can get without wearing the colors.
“Your being paranoid.” Maybe, then again there is a reason we have more then one country in shambles because of these ideas. Countries like the USSR, Cuba, Italy, and Germany don’t convince people to help them out by promising gulags. It is always some form of Utopia that is promised. Barrack wants us to believe that if we vote for him then the middle class will prosper and the ‘evil’ rich will be brought under the reins of the government. Health care will be affordable (‘free’) and everyone will be given a fair shake. He doesn’t mention that we will also be under his thumb and that the fairness of our shake is entirely up to him, congress and bureaucrats. If you believe that he would never abuse his power like that then look at Russia under Lenin. Even if he were incorruptible then would you want to bet that the next guy will be also?
The fact is that the people are starting to see him for what he is. This is a problem because his real self is just plain scary. The polls are beginning to reflect this as the AP shows McCain just one point behind, well within the 2.5% margin of error. Well Halloween is on Friday so maybe Obama will go as himself. That might scare the children though.
Supreme Court,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The ACORN dosn't fall far from the tree.
We have more talk of voter fraud this election, and this time it is the dems who are involved. I am not saying that the dems don’t usually commit voter fraud, (after all, I need to give them their due) just that this one is definitely them. ACORN, which stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, has been singled out for a fraud investigation in which several states, including my own, have been seeing enormous amounts of fake registrations. These states include Wisconsin, New Mexico, Indiana and Nevada. I have also heard of Ohio being yet another state in this laundry list of targeted fraud.
Targeted I say? Well I would say that when immense voter fraud ‘happens’ to be rampant in swing states, and this fraud can be traced to a single group, then we have sufficient evidence of a group of people trying to sway an election. I thought it was us republicans who tried to steal elections. Everyone still talks about the alleged voter fraud in Florida in 2000. You know, boxes falling off trucks and polling machines being tampered with in heavy democrat counties. (Of course since this all happened in Florida we could chock all that up to, well, Florida. No offense to Floridians of course. It isn’t your fault that your bureaucracy is filled with incompetence.)
In reality this isn’t a surprise to anyone. Even in 2000, the election had numerous attempts to steal the election including not counting the votes of absentee military votes, and this was perpetrated by the dems. In 2004, ACORN was suspected of voter fraud, again. (Source: And no in 2008 we have yet more ACORN buisness. (Vegas source: CNN secondary source:
As that last source indicates, Obama is tied with ACORN. It appears that he has donated $800,000 for voter drives. I find it interesting that he claims that he had nothing to do with this at all, yet the same voter drives he donated money for are the same ones committing fraud. Obama, however, claims that he had nothing to do with this. He isn’t even president yet and he already has Nixon beat for corrupting politics. Perhaps I am wrong though. Maybe dead people really are rising from the dead and voting for him; he is called the messiah after all.
Of course an ACORN lawyer had this to say. “We believe their purpose is to attack ACORN and suppress votes.” (also from the source) No…. we don’t want to do that. We want to encourage as many people as possible to vote as many times as they like. We, after all, strive for the same kind of accuracy that internet polls give us. He continued “We think that by attacking ACORN that they are going to discourage people who have may have registered with ACORN from voting.” This seems like a laughable claim since half the votes turned in are from ACORN employees. The GOP scare tactics are dazzlingly effective it seems to me. My god, what will we think of next. “Vote McCain or else we will cover your with pet dander!” God help you if your allergic to cats.
Bertha Lewis of ACORN has stated “We immediately dismiss employees we suspect of submitting fraudulent registrations” ( I am not certain if she meant any fraudulent registrations or just very bad fraudulent registrations. After all, if I was paying a guy to steal an election and he registered the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup, I would probably fire him too. I live in Nevada, trust me, Terrell Owens doesn’t. Things like this almost make me wonder if they wanted to get caught.
But none of this matters. We all know democrats don’t steal elections, republicans do. At least that is what I am told. I seem to be out of touch with my branch of the right wing conspiracy. I have forgotten what horrible plans we have come up with.
No, this is just the normal strategy of the left wing. I wonder if one day they will make powdered instant voter. Obama will be pleased and trust me, if he wins, all will be forgiven for ACORN. It is, after all, what he wants.
Targeted I say? Well I would say that when immense voter fraud ‘happens’ to be rampant in swing states, and this fraud can be traced to a single group, then we have sufficient evidence of a group of people trying to sway an election. I thought it was us republicans who tried to steal elections. Everyone still talks about the alleged voter fraud in Florida in 2000. You know, boxes falling off trucks and polling machines being tampered with in heavy democrat counties. (Of course since this all happened in Florida we could chock all that up to, well, Florida. No offense to Floridians of course. It isn’t your fault that your bureaucracy is filled with incompetence.)
In reality this isn’t a surprise to anyone. Even in 2000, the election had numerous attempts to steal the election including not counting the votes of absentee military votes, and this was perpetrated by the dems. In 2004, ACORN was suspected of voter fraud, again. (Source: And no in 2008 we have yet more ACORN buisness. (Vegas source: CNN secondary source:
As that last source indicates, Obama is tied with ACORN. It appears that he has donated $800,000 for voter drives. I find it interesting that he claims that he had nothing to do with this at all, yet the same voter drives he donated money for are the same ones committing fraud. Obama, however, claims that he had nothing to do with this. He isn’t even president yet and he already has Nixon beat for corrupting politics. Perhaps I am wrong though. Maybe dead people really are rising from the dead and voting for him; he is called the messiah after all.
Of course an ACORN lawyer had this to say. “We believe their purpose is to attack ACORN and suppress votes.” (also from the source) No…. we don’t want to do that. We want to encourage as many people as possible to vote as many times as they like. We, after all, strive for the same kind of accuracy that internet polls give us. He continued “We think that by attacking ACORN that they are going to discourage people who have may have registered with ACORN from voting.” This seems like a laughable claim since half the votes turned in are from ACORN employees. The GOP scare tactics are dazzlingly effective it seems to me. My god, what will we think of next. “Vote McCain or else we will cover your with pet dander!” God help you if your allergic to cats.
Bertha Lewis of ACORN has stated “We immediately dismiss employees we suspect of submitting fraudulent registrations” ( I am not certain if she meant any fraudulent registrations or just very bad fraudulent registrations. After all, if I was paying a guy to steal an election and he registered the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup, I would probably fire him too. I live in Nevada, trust me, Terrell Owens doesn’t. Things like this almost make me wonder if they wanted to get caught.
But none of this matters. We all know democrats don’t steal elections, republicans do. At least that is what I am told. I seem to be out of touch with my branch of the right wing conspiracy. I have forgotten what horrible plans we have come up with.
No, this is just the normal strategy of the left wing. I wonder if one day they will make powdered instant voter. Obama will be pleased and trust me, if he wins, all will be forgiven for ACORN. It is, after all, what he wants.
Fox News,
voter fraud
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Where is the self-destruct button?
I am an idiot. I must be because when I saw the House shoot down the bailout I honestly thought that those representatives were standing on principle. Turns out all they really wanted was some more pork. It was kind of like a Jambalaya from hell. Don’t believe me? Look at the bill yourself.
I look at this crap; The Mental health Parity Act, The Hurricane Ike Disaster Relief, The Secure Rural School and Community Self-determination Plan? No it turns out the real reason we didn’t pass the bailout the first time is because several House members needed an excuse to usurp several banks and loans. “I didn’t vote for the bailout, I voted for the disaster relief.” “No, you see, I really voted on the Mental Health Parity Act. Do you hate the mentally challenged?” I am sick and tired of these creeps covering their own behinds. A well trained sniper would have a hard time taking a shot at their butts. Where are the courageous representatives who stand up and say “No, I will not tolerate this. I will stop you from going beyond your enumerated power and stop this bill.”
If you look at the votes on this bill on, then you will see those that, hopefully, did just that. Unfortunately only the few seemed to pay attention to those pesky words in that irritating document our founders mistakenly wrote. I don’t doubt that if our founders had another go at it John Adams would have said “Hey, you know what we should add in here? We should add something like ‘and the congress shall have power to impose their will upon the markets in times that shall be determined my congress.’” On the bright side, Jefferson’s spinning body could be harnessed for some green energy.
If they were not so isolationist, I just might switch my registration to Libertarian. Unfortunately the Republican party has been taken over by cowards and moderates. (Moderate is liberal speak for a Democrat who is quite fond of elephants.) Most people at the grass roots are happy for the mere existence of Sarah Palin. Unfortunately her existence does me little good if McCain insists on her reading from scripts.
However do not get me wrong. Our ideas are not dead. The fact that I am posting this up here on the internet proves that. Trickledown theory is still popular, collectivism is still opposed harshly and the peaceniks still tick most people off. Conservatives are not dead, Conservatism is not dead. The party though, it is crashing. Politics have taken over and instead of standing up for what we believe in, the politicians stand up for what will get them re-elected.
These people are starting to disappoint me. It seems that there is little chance of people like me just getting rid of these guys the old fashioned way. So join me and let’s find that self-destruct button. Maybe we could start all over again, but most likely not. Until the Republican party grows a backbone we wont be able to do this our most sacred duty, which is get these guys out of office.
I look at this crap; The Mental health Parity Act, The Hurricane Ike Disaster Relief, The Secure Rural School and Community Self-determination Plan? No it turns out the real reason we didn’t pass the bailout the first time is because several House members needed an excuse to usurp several banks and loans. “I didn’t vote for the bailout, I voted for the disaster relief.” “No, you see, I really voted on the Mental Health Parity Act. Do you hate the mentally challenged?” I am sick and tired of these creeps covering their own behinds. A well trained sniper would have a hard time taking a shot at their butts. Where are the courageous representatives who stand up and say “No, I will not tolerate this. I will stop you from going beyond your enumerated power and stop this bill.”
If you look at the votes on this bill on, then you will see those that, hopefully, did just that. Unfortunately only the few seemed to pay attention to those pesky words in that irritating document our founders mistakenly wrote. I don’t doubt that if our founders had another go at it John Adams would have said “Hey, you know what we should add in here? We should add something like ‘and the congress shall have power to impose their will upon the markets in times that shall be determined my congress.’” On the bright side, Jefferson’s spinning body could be harnessed for some green energy.
If they were not so isolationist, I just might switch my registration to Libertarian. Unfortunately the Republican party has been taken over by cowards and moderates. (Moderate is liberal speak for a Democrat who is quite fond of elephants.) Most people at the grass roots are happy for the mere existence of Sarah Palin. Unfortunately her existence does me little good if McCain insists on her reading from scripts.
However do not get me wrong. Our ideas are not dead. The fact that I am posting this up here on the internet proves that. Trickledown theory is still popular, collectivism is still opposed harshly and the peaceniks still tick most people off. Conservatives are not dead, Conservatism is not dead. The party though, it is crashing. Politics have taken over and instead of standing up for what we believe in, the politicians stand up for what will get them re-elected.
These people are starting to disappoint me. It seems that there is little chance of people like me just getting rid of these guys the old fashioned way. So join me and let’s find that self-destruct button. Maybe we could start all over again, but most likely not. Until the Republican party grows a backbone we wont be able to do this our most sacred duty, which is get these guys out of office.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fannie Pack-age
Congratulations, you are eligible to lose about 1.5 to 5k dollars. With the numbers still rising on the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac bailouts we can be rest assured that we will be paying the bill. Let’s forget for a moment the ignorance required to believe this is a good idea; let’s ask the question "How is this even constitutional?”
There is nothing, nothing in the constitution that allows this. What is this you ask? Well literally buying three companies (Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac and AIG). The government will get the stock majority of these three companies and essentially run them into the ground. Apparently a bunch of House Dems took us seriously when we told them to “try running their own company”. The federal government is supposed to dismantle the failed corporations once the bailout is complete but this assumes the government actually does what it is supposed to do. Sorry if I don’t believe their sincerity, but then again this same government said Social Security is to be used only for Social Security.
Understand that when the government says you will bailout Fannie and Freddie (no I did mean you); it means the debt incurred by the “inevitable” bailout. I wonder what Biden would say about this. Whether or not he supports this is probably determined by how it affects Amtrak. No this is a problem for Barrack Obama. He has received the second largest amount from PACs and individuals associated with Fanny and Freddy totaling $126,349. (individuals includes employees of those two companies. Data courtesy of
This debt incurred will start as half a trillion to, some say, as high as 1.8 trillion dollars but we have to pay interest on that sum too. In the end we will all bite this big one. Not because we have to or even should, but because the government has once again started playing SimCity with the market. Somehow throwing money at the problem seems like the opposite of what we need to do.
Don’t get me wrong either, this once again is a bi-partisan effort to screw us all. G.W. himself said we ‘need’ to do this. Seems like every time I can start to be happy again about him being in office he says something stupid. McCain has also bought into this dogma. God save us all.
I suggest we forget this all. Let every company that is going to fail do just that, fail. Sure, the stock market will take one hell of a hit. Many people will find themselves in trouble but in the end the stock market will strike back strong and most people will get their assets in order. However if we go down this path, which believe me we will, then the entire U.S. economy will suffer for it. The corporations will suffer from higher taxes and our countries credit will crumble further. Inflation will definitely occur and in the end someone will make millions writing a book about how we might have made a mistake. Well someone has to benefit from this.
There is nothing, nothing in the constitution that allows this. What is this you ask? Well literally buying three companies (Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac and AIG). The government will get the stock majority of these three companies and essentially run them into the ground. Apparently a bunch of House Dems took us seriously when we told them to “try running their own company”. The federal government is supposed to dismantle the failed corporations once the bailout is complete but this assumes the government actually does what it is supposed to do. Sorry if I don’t believe their sincerity, but then again this same government said Social Security is to be used only for Social Security.
Understand that when the government says you will bailout Fannie and Freddie (no I did mean you); it means the debt incurred by the “inevitable” bailout. I wonder what Biden would say about this. Whether or not he supports this is probably determined by how it affects Amtrak. No this is a problem for Barrack Obama. He has received the second largest amount from PACs and individuals associated with Fanny and Freddy totaling $126,349. (individuals includes employees of those two companies. Data courtesy of
This debt incurred will start as half a trillion to, some say, as high as 1.8 trillion dollars but we have to pay interest on that sum too. In the end we will all bite this big one. Not because we have to or even should, but because the government has once again started playing SimCity with the market. Somehow throwing money at the problem seems like the opposite of what we need to do.
Don’t get me wrong either, this once again is a bi-partisan effort to screw us all. G.W. himself said we ‘need’ to do this. Seems like every time I can start to be happy again about him being in office he says something stupid. McCain has also bought into this dogma. God save us all.
I suggest we forget this all. Let every company that is going to fail do just that, fail. Sure, the stock market will take one hell of a hit. Many people will find themselves in trouble but in the end the stock market will strike back strong and most people will get their assets in order. However if we go down this path, which believe me we will, then the entire U.S. economy will suffer for it. The corporations will suffer from higher taxes and our countries credit will crumble further. Inflation will definitely occur and in the end someone will make millions writing a book about how we might have made a mistake. Well someone has to benefit from this.
Fanny Mae,
Freddy Mac,
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Margret Sanger would be proud.
While I was gone, lost in the first weeks of school, McCain picked his VP nominee. Believe me, everyone was surprised. I mean seriously, Alaska? Well Sarah Palin turned out to be a terrific choice. Not only is she both a fiscal and a social conservative, but she has the kind of following that makes even Obama do a double take.
This post though, isn't about Sarah Palin. As the title would suggest, this is about the abortion issue. Sarah Palin has given birth to a wonderful baby with Down Syndrome. The kicker is that she knew about the disability before she actually gave birth to the young one. This is compared to the 90% of expecting mothers who usually abort. So the left-wing media congratulated her with hit pieces and numerous blog insults. After all, what kind of evil villain would allow baby Trig to live!?
Lets face it, the biggest problem for the Obama-maniacs is that not only is she female, but she is conservative. STOP THE PRESSES!!! GET THE POLICE AND ARREST HER BEFORE SHE SPEAKS HER MIND!!! How dare she not fall in line with the NOW Loons. NOW, of course, is attacking Palin like Ted Kennedy attacks a bottle of Jack. Planned Parenthood is also not a fan of hers. I say come and get her, you baby-killing loons.
This boils down to the Pro-Abortion... sorry Pro-Womyn's Health Choicers. The argument against abortion goes like this. Murder is defined as the killing of an innocent person by another person. There are three ways to try to define aborted fetuses (aka the Alpo secret ingredient) outside of the definition of murder. Either they are not innocent, "That baby killed my Ma'mah" they are not people (this would take one heck of a deranged person to make that argument) or they cannot be killed. The last one is the most popular argument. By defining life as starting at x number of weeks past conception we can con the justice system into not tossing these baby killers in prison. The argument is mostly arbitrary, and, in order to hide this fact, many words like Nazi are tossed around with sobs about raped women.
The fact is that once you get to the arbitrary nature of the law it becomes obvious just how dangerous this is. Say someone gets in and states that all Morons and Idiots should be sterilized. This might sound extreme but someone named Margaret Sanger suggested just that and was somewhat successful at it. So obviously we need a definition that is not up for arbitration. The problem is that most definitions lead to horrible consequences.
Here are some examples. If we define life as being a complete human (thereby allowing the exclusion of fetuses) then the definition of “complete” comes under fire. Depending on what you mean by complete, life starts at either conception (complete DNA) and going out to months out and perhaps even after birth. Certainly many of the Womyn would agree with most of that. “Complete”, though, can be pushed even further. If I stated that the mentally deficient are not “complete”, then they are not alive. Imagine an Orwellian world of non-persons and suddenly this seems to make sense. "But no one would ever do that!" Wrong!! It has been done before by progressives back in the early 1900's. Many people today still hold these crazy views.
Another example is what if we say life begins once they can feel pain (Makes sense if you are "humane"). Suddenly lepers would need to hide to avoid a parade of murderous thugs that would come after them. How ‘bout life begins once the fetus is human-like? This might push life to three months after conception, but runs into more problems. What is human-like? Is human like somewhat human? If I had MS would I be human? If I had AIDS and suddenly did not have an immune system, would that lack of an immune system make me less human? What if I was born without a pinky toe? With an eleventh finger? What if Darwin or Nietche rose from the dead and suggested that the "savage races" were not really human? (Can you tell I don't like Eugenics yet?)
Let’s face it, not only is conception the best, and by best I mean most humane, place to begin, but science and religion agree. I mean come on; I thought you guys liked science. The definition of life, according to science, is so broad that it encompasses viruses and bacteria. To say that human fetuses are not living is to say they are less that the bacteria we wash off our hands.
"But what about cases of rape? Are you going to allow a woman to live with that horrible burden?"
First, I would NEVER consider a child brought into the world as anything but a miracle, possibly excluding Michael Moore. Even granting this position, why not give the child up for adoption? If you cannot take care of a child, could you not at least put up with the burden for a couple months? Let’s assume we allowed children who were rape babies be aborted, then how far can you take this? What about a year old? If a mother smothered her child in its crib would we let her off because it was a rape baby?
"It's not the same thing." YES IT IS!!! That is the point. There is no line you can draw past conception where these fuzzy details can't be argued.
Life begins at conception. Simple and to the point. It makes sense. Not only does life begin there, but it is the only scientific point where life can begin. At that moment the embryo will one day grow into a baby capable of living outside of the womb. At that point it is possible for the baby to become what it was meant to be. Even excluding God from the picture you must come to this conclusion. At the point of conception the DNA is complete and has formed the basis of human life.
This fact will not stop the Now morons from attacking Sarah Palin, but at least we can conclude that their arguments are illogical. So I give a toast to you, Rosie, the Womyn of NOW and Planned Parenthood. A few million more abortions and you may beat the Nazis by a factor of ten. I have no doubt that Margaret Sanger would be proud of your accomplishments.
This post though, isn't about Sarah Palin. As the title would suggest, this is about the abortion issue. Sarah Palin has given birth to a wonderful baby with Down Syndrome. The kicker is that she knew about the disability before she actually gave birth to the young one. This is compared to the 90% of expecting mothers who usually abort. So the left-wing media congratulated her with hit pieces and numerous blog insults. After all, what kind of evil villain would allow baby Trig to live!?
Lets face it, the biggest problem for the Obama-maniacs is that not only is she female, but she is conservative. STOP THE PRESSES!!! GET THE POLICE AND ARREST HER BEFORE SHE SPEAKS HER MIND!!! How dare she not fall in line with the NOW Loons. NOW, of course, is attacking Palin like Ted Kennedy attacks a bottle of Jack. Planned Parenthood is also not a fan of hers. I say come and get her, you baby-killing loons.
This boils down to the Pro-Abortion... sorry Pro-Womyn's Health Choicers. The argument against abortion goes like this. Murder is defined as the killing of an innocent person by another person. There are three ways to try to define aborted fetuses (aka the Alpo secret ingredient) outside of the definition of murder. Either they are not innocent, "That baby killed my Ma'mah" they are not people (this would take one heck of a deranged person to make that argument) or they cannot be killed. The last one is the most popular argument. By defining life as starting at x number of weeks past conception we can con the justice system into not tossing these baby killers in prison. The argument is mostly arbitrary, and, in order to hide this fact, many words like Nazi are tossed around with sobs about raped women.
The fact is that once you get to the arbitrary nature of the law it becomes obvious just how dangerous this is. Say someone gets in and states that all Morons and Idiots should be sterilized. This might sound extreme but someone named Margaret Sanger suggested just that and was somewhat successful at it. So obviously we need a definition that is not up for arbitration. The problem is that most definitions lead to horrible consequences.
Here are some examples. If we define life as being a complete human (thereby allowing the exclusion of fetuses) then the definition of “complete” comes under fire. Depending on what you mean by complete, life starts at either conception (complete DNA) and going out to months out and perhaps even after birth. Certainly many of the Womyn would agree with most of that. “Complete”, though, can be pushed even further. If I stated that the mentally deficient are not “complete”, then they are not alive. Imagine an Orwellian world of non-persons and suddenly this seems to make sense. "But no one would ever do that!" Wrong!! It has been done before by progressives back in the early 1900's. Many people today still hold these crazy views.
Another example is what if we say life begins once they can feel pain (Makes sense if you are "humane"). Suddenly lepers would need to hide to avoid a parade of murderous thugs that would come after them. How ‘bout life begins once the fetus is human-like? This might push life to three months after conception, but runs into more problems. What is human-like? Is human like somewhat human? If I had MS would I be human? If I had AIDS and suddenly did not have an immune system, would that lack of an immune system make me less human? What if I was born without a pinky toe? With an eleventh finger? What if Darwin or Nietche rose from the dead and suggested that the "savage races" were not really human? (Can you tell I don't like Eugenics yet?)
Let’s face it, not only is conception the best, and by best I mean most humane, place to begin, but science and religion agree. I mean come on; I thought you guys liked science. The definition of life, according to science, is so broad that it encompasses viruses and bacteria. To say that human fetuses are not living is to say they are less that the bacteria we wash off our hands.
"But what about cases of rape? Are you going to allow a woman to live with that horrible burden?"
First, I would NEVER consider a child brought into the world as anything but a miracle, possibly excluding Michael Moore. Even granting this position, why not give the child up for adoption? If you cannot take care of a child, could you not at least put up with the burden for a couple months? Let’s assume we allowed children who were rape babies be aborted, then how far can you take this? What about a year old? If a mother smothered her child in its crib would we let her off because it was a rape baby?
"It's not the same thing." YES IT IS!!! That is the point. There is no line you can draw past conception where these fuzzy details can't be argued.
Life begins at conception. Simple and to the point. It makes sense. Not only does life begin there, but it is the only scientific point where life can begin. At that moment the embryo will one day grow into a baby capable of living outside of the womb. At that point it is possible for the baby to become what it was meant to be. Even excluding God from the picture you must come to this conclusion. At the point of conception the DNA is complete and has formed the basis of human life.
This fact will not stop the Now morons from attacking Sarah Palin, but at least we can conclude that their arguments are illogical. So I give a toast to you, Rosie, the Womyn of NOW and Planned Parenthood. A few million more abortions and you may beat the Nazis by a factor of ten. I have no doubt that Margaret Sanger would be proud of your accomplishments.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Back To School Obama
It has been almost a month since my last post. The reason is that I am currently dealing with the massive preparations involved in getting set up for my next two semesters at college. However, just because I am busy in my little bubble does not mean that the world has stood still.
Last week McCain and Obama had their first debate of sorts. It isn't a debate really, but more of a series of questions asked to both of them in two hours. Barak Obama, trying to prove he isn't a radical as the "Vicious Right" says he is, gave nothing but noncommittal answers the whole interview. This made him appear, well, noncommittal. This isn't good, as it is only a short step away from weak and can even worsen the flip flopping accusation he is already suffering from.
Later when McCain answered the same questions, McCain was more direct with every answer. This at best (for Obama) does not cause McCain to suffer the same problems Barrack is suffering from. At worst, it even can make McCain look strong.
(For those who did not watch this you may still find the unedited video on C-Span. If you prefer edited versions with snarky commentary then I am sure You Tube has more than enough to satisfy.)
I do not often relish in helping out competition and really am not fond of doing the same for someone as socialistic as Obama but here are a few tips for not doing this again.
1. Keep to your issues or, at the very least state, your false positions on your issues. You may be called a flip-flopper but that is eternally preferable to being called weak.
2. Give straight answers. If the ground you stand on is wishy-washy, then your ground may very well crumble into a vast landslide.
3. Stop pissing off your base and this goes for McCain, too. The more you stop talking the talk, the less likely your base will support the undecideds you might get.
4. Stand on your principles. A lie is still a lie and the American people are not stupid enough to simply accept anything you tell them as being the truth. The more you stray away from your positions in the primary the more people are going to resent you.
Also on another note, Stop Playing the Race Card, Obama! No one buys it. In a day and age when I would have to literally go look for a single racist, I am not going to buy that. There is this vast swath of voters and Republicans who want nothing more than to stop you from becoming president for many other reasons. Unless, of course, by racist you are including anti-socialists as well.
I don't expect anyone in the Obama campaign to read this or even anyone to read this, but I had to say it. Even if someone from the Obama campaign did read this, I doubt they would take heed. They know their ideas are unpopular. An idiot would take just a moment of thought to arrive to the conclusion that their ideas ultimately lead to dictator ships or as Jonah Goldberg argues, Fascism. Democrats know this, so their ideas are either prettied up or hidden completely. Just as well, I certainly hope Obama loses, then we only have Hillary to deal with in four years. Although I hate to say it, I think Hillary would make a less destructive president then Obama. Now if you excuse me, that last comment makes me want to take a shower.
Last week McCain and Obama had their first debate of sorts. It isn't a debate really, but more of a series of questions asked to both of them in two hours. Barak Obama, trying to prove he isn't a radical as the "Vicious Right" says he is, gave nothing but noncommittal answers the whole interview. This made him appear, well, noncommittal. This isn't good, as it is only a short step away from weak and can even worsen the flip flopping accusation he is already suffering from.
Later when McCain answered the same questions, McCain was more direct with every answer. This at best (for Obama) does not cause McCain to suffer the same problems Barrack is suffering from. At worst, it even can make McCain look strong.
(For those who did not watch this you may still find the unedited video on C-Span. If you prefer edited versions with snarky commentary then I am sure You Tube has more than enough to satisfy.)
I do not often relish in helping out competition and really am not fond of doing the same for someone as socialistic as Obama but here are a few tips for not doing this again.
1. Keep to your issues or, at the very least state, your false positions on your issues. You may be called a flip-flopper but that is eternally preferable to being called weak.
2. Give straight answers. If the ground you stand on is wishy-washy, then your ground may very well crumble into a vast landslide.
3. Stop pissing off your base and this goes for McCain, too. The more you stop talking the talk, the less likely your base will support the undecideds you might get.
4. Stand on your principles. A lie is still a lie and the American people are not stupid enough to simply accept anything you tell them as being the truth. The more you stray away from your positions in the primary the more people are going to resent you.
Also on another note, Stop Playing the Race Card, Obama! No one buys it. In a day and age when I would have to literally go look for a single racist, I am not going to buy that. There is this vast swath of voters and Republicans who want nothing more than to stop you from becoming president for many other reasons. Unless, of course, by racist you are including anti-socialists as well.
I don't expect anyone in the Obama campaign to read this or even anyone to read this, but I had to say it. Even if someone from the Obama campaign did read this, I doubt they would take heed. They know their ideas are unpopular. An idiot would take just a moment of thought to arrive to the conclusion that their ideas ultimately lead to dictator ships or as Jonah Goldberg argues, Fascism. Democrats know this, so their ideas are either prettied up or hidden completely. Just as well, I certainly hope Obama loses, then we only have Hillary to deal with in four years. Although I hate to say it, I think Hillary would make a less destructive president then Obama. Now if you excuse me, that last comment makes me want to take a shower.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Censorship gone wild!!!
I think Keith Olberman needs to stick to football. In another interview with Scott Mclellan, Keith Olberman came to this startling conclusion, “Fox News is biased”. I won't necessarily disagree here, it is hard for Fox News or any News channel to be unbiased but this seems like a case of the pot calling the kettle black, only the pot is "blacker" than the kettle. Numerous liberal pundits are complaining that shows like The O'Reilly Factor and Sean Hannity are parroting the White house talking points. To be more specific the problem apparently is that these shows mention the White house talking points at all. Somehow by acknowledging the existence of these talking points and, God forbid, agreeing with some of them Fox News is guilty of being biased. The definition of biased here seems to be "agreeing or disagreeing with any point not previously 'agreed upon' by the liberal media." If this is the definition then yah, Fox is biased.
It got more interesting when another pundit began to explain that it was unconstitutional for Fox to parrot these talking points. Let me first ask that, if this is true, then do we get to ban MSNBC, CNN, New York Times and Air America if and when Obama wins? No? Then your problem isn't that Fox is repeating, or more accurately reporting, white house talking points but that those points are not your talking points. Hypocrisy like this is rampant throughout the media. To address the constitutionality of this we must consider the argument itself. I cannot find a link to this so I am going to have to do this from memory. (Let me ask my very small audience at this time to please send any sources you have. I would like any of them.)
From Bennett in the morning sometime at 4 AM (I know, quite an ungodly hour, so forgive me if I screw this up.) a female pundit stated that it is unconstitutional for Fox to, and I quote, "Be a mouthpiece for the government" Even ignoring the obvious problem involving their complacency toward being a mouth piece for the Clintons during their stay, this argument does not fly. The only thing in the constitution that could possibly be misconstrued as making it unconstitutional to "be the mouthpiece of the government" is the freedom of speech and press part of amendment I. This fails to address anything regarding this as the government is not directly or even indirectly prohibiting them from speaking. However, it would be unconstitutional for liberals to prohibit Fox from speaking by forbidding them to tell their side of the story.
If you are at all surprised by this then you are not aware of the Fairness Doctrine. It is an attempt to bring back rules and regulations that more or less shutdown talk radio which is completely dominated by conservatives. All this is done in the name of being equitable to both sides. Unfortunately not everyone wants to have another viewpoint shoved down their throats. Although I do think people should look at both sides, I do not believe in mandating it. If you want to see me switch sides on an issue, add the word mandate. Most everything could be accomplished without mandates.
If you still are not convinced that we shouldn't allow this then all you need to do is ask yourself what if when the republicans got back into office they decide to use these rules against you. Censorship is censorship, it doesn't matter who does the censoring.
It got more interesting when another pundit began to explain that it was unconstitutional for Fox to parrot these talking points. Let me first ask that, if this is true, then do we get to ban MSNBC, CNN, New York Times and Air America if and when Obama wins? No? Then your problem isn't that Fox is repeating, or more accurately reporting, white house talking points but that those points are not your talking points. Hypocrisy like this is rampant throughout the media. To address the constitutionality of this we must consider the argument itself. I cannot find a link to this so I am going to have to do this from memory. (Let me ask my very small audience at this time to please send any sources you have. I would like any of them.)
From Bennett in the morning sometime at 4 AM (I know, quite an ungodly hour, so forgive me if I screw this up.) a female pundit stated that it is unconstitutional for Fox to, and I quote, "Be a mouthpiece for the government" Even ignoring the obvious problem involving their complacency toward being a mouth piece for the Clintons during their stay, this argument does not fly. The only thing in the constitution that could possibly be misconstrued as making it unconstitutional to "be the mouthpiece of the government" is the freedom of speech and press part of amendment I. This fails to address anything regarding this as the government is not directly or even indirectly prohibiting them from speaking. However, it would be unconstitutional for liberals to prohibit Fox from speaking by forbidding them to tell their side of the story.
If you are at all surprised by this then you are not aware of the Fairness Doctrine. It is an attempt to bring back rules and regulations that more or less shutdown talk radio which is completely dominated by conservatives. All this is done in the name of being equitable to both sides. Unfortunately not everyone wants to have another viewpoint shoved down their throats. Although I do think people should look at both sides, I do not believe in mandating it. If you want to see me switch sides on an issue, add the word mandate. Most everything could be accomplished without mandates.
If you still are not convinced that we shouldn't allow this then all you need to do is ask yourself what if when the republicans got back into office they decide to use these rules against you. Censorship is censorship, it doesn't matter who does the censoring.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Iraq, A war gone right.
Imagine if after WWII we had only lost three thousand soldiers (not including the attack on Pearl Harbor) or if it used only one fifth of our national budget instead of the 3/4 it did use. Iraq, a war whose statistics are exactly these has been waged for over five years now. Let me first correct myself and a common misconception. This isn't a war as in the Iraq war, but a front in the War on Terror. This includes our front in Afganistan. Regardless of this trivial point many people have become disillusioned about this particular battle. Many beleive that this distracts from our true goal of finding and hopefully executeing Osama Bin Laden. This is the first thing that is wrong. We are not there to kill Osama, we are there to stop terrorism wherever it exists. This means fighting the terror orginaizations and the countries who harbor them. Sorry to disappoint the war for oil crowd but well... your wrong, and I am certain that some if not most of you know on some level that you are wrong, either in logic or in actuality.
In the beguinning George Bush Jr., with intel from MI6 (the british version of our CIA) stated that Iraq was looking for nuclear weapon materials. Where are these WMDs? Well first he said "looking" and also stated that they "might" already have them. Well how do we know this isn't a lie? Well as the times online reports the Butler committee agreed with this assesment based on data known at the time (source Not only were they looking for WMDs but already possesed some in the form of Nerve gas. (Source Along with this they also possessed: 500 tons of yellow cake uranium (left over since after Desert Storm, why it wasn't confiscated by the UN inspectors is beyond me and just another reason we shouldn't even trust them to sell girl scout cookies.) and approxamately 500 chemical weapons including Sarin and Mustard gas (,2933,200499,00.html note: weapons were partially degraded due to their storage). Ya right, we lied, I admit it.
The yellow cake is under dispute as it "could not be used in a nuclear weapon" And sulfur makes a very bad propellent by itself but with salt peter it goes boom. "They did not have the ability to refine it themselves". Strange assertion since I could refine it myself. It is very easy actully. The only problem is that someone as unskilled as me would have a very large loss ratio. This isn't to say that it is exceedingly difficult to build a centerfuge though. "They didn't have enough to make a bomb." It takes 8 kilograms of uranium 235 to make a gun or implosion type of atomic bomb. 500 metric tons is literally thousands of times that. If their refining was poor and produced only one gram of U 235 for every kilogram of yellow cake then they would have enough for atleast one bomb. Assuming, as is could be true, that U 238 made up most of the material a breeder reactor could still be constructed to change it from U 238 to Plutonium. Safe, right.
Bush didn't lie and wasn't even wrong about Iraq but that dosn't mean we shouldn't have been there. Accepting this poor line of reasoning we could of course point to the depravity of his regieme but we went in there under the War on Terror. Although some may disagree with that statement I made it and will now have to defend it. What if I told you Saddam himself was rather friendly to terror orginizations?
"Many terrorist movements and Saddam found a common enemy in the United States," This is from a report regarding the link between the dictator and and multiple terror groups including Al-qaeda (he was not involved in 9/11 however). (source Multiple contacts andconections? Sounds bad if you ask me.
So there were 'other' reasons for the war? Oil had to be the real reason though. No, it wasn't. I doubt it was more then an after thought. Remember, conservatives and moderates want local oil, not foreign. The Democrats may be open to this but in general the american people are not. How could I know? Well, it wouldn't even be a logical place to go for oil. Think about the fuel spent to get there. If we did infact go to war for oil then a more logical step would be to invade Mexico or even better Venezuela. Both have oil reserves and both would be vastly cheaper to wage a war against.
The war is costing too much. This is intresting to hear since the dems are not known for fiscal responsibility but lets play along. Often when refering to this arguement people talk about our nine trillion dollar national debt and how the Iraq war is the cause. Then in a quizzical yet intresting display of self defeat they also spout off that the war has cost 500 billion dollars right now. 9 trillion minus 500 billion is 8.5 trillion dollars so if the Iraq war never existed then we would be 8.5 trillion dollars in debt still. Ahh, what would they bitch about then? How bout the social programs that cost our government hundreds of billions of dollars a year? It is like a little cute Iraq war in every one of them. Only alot of the money invested in Iraq goes to American contractors to buy American steel and American made parts. Those social programs go to paying people not to work. Ya, this one doesn't float either. Glad to see them talk the talk though; it is half the job after all.
No fiscal responsibility is the reason. "But we are loseing the war!!!!" We are doing so well that their own prime minister now thinks it is time for a time table. I must say he is doing a good job as since Al-Maliki has taken office we have fullfilled 15 out of 17 benchmarks we have set upon placing there. Iraq will be stable given just a few more years (I would wager no more than 5). Unfortunately credit for victory may be given to the protesters this time. If the dems win then it is no doubt they will pull out. Id I was asked three months ago I would tell you it would be a massacre, today I would say it wouls be a gamble. If Iraq manages to stand on its own then it will be to Iraq and Al-Maliki's own credit and not the democratic party, not Nancy Pelosi and definately not Harry Reid.
Iraq was not for oil, Bush didn't lie, WMDs were found and the war is not being lost. But hey, don't listen to me. I am just one of the brainwashed sheeple. I will just sit back and wait for this to end for the better or for the worse.
In the beguinning George Bush Jr., with intel from MI6 (the british version of our CIA) stated that Iraq was looking for nuclear weapon materials. Where are these WMDs? Well first he said "looking" and also stated that they "might" already have them. Well how do we know this isn't a lie? Well as the times online reports the Butler committee agreed with this assesment based on data known at the time (source Not only were they looking for WMDs but already possesed some in the form of Nerve gas. (Source Along with this they also possessed: 500 tons of yellow cake uranium (left over since after Desert Storm, why it wasn't confiscated by the UN inspectors is beyond me and just another reason we shouldn't even trust them to sell girl scout cookies.) and approxamately 500 chemical weapons including Sarin and Mustard gas (,2933,200499,00.html note: weapons were partially degraded due to their storage). Ya right, we lied, I admit it.
The yellow cake is under dispute as it "could not be used in a nuclear weapon" And sulfur makes a very bad propellent by itself but with salt peter it goes boom. "They did not have the ability to refine it themselves". Strange assertion since I could refine it myself. It is very easy actully. The only problem is that someone as unskilled as me would have a very large loss ratio. This isn't to say that it is exceedingly difficult to build a centerfuge though. "They didn't have enough to make a bomb." It takes 8 kilograms of uranium 235 to make a gun or implosion type of atomic bomb. 500 metric tons is literally thousands of times that. If their refining was poor and produced only one gram of U 235 for every kilogram of yellow cake then they would have enough for atleast one bomb. Assuming, as is could be true, that U 238 made up most of the material a breeder reactor could still be constructed to change it from U 238 to Plutonium. Safe, right.
Bush didn't lie and wasn't even wrong about Iraq but that dosn't mean we shouldn't have been there. Accepting this poor line of reasoning we could of course point to the depravity of his regieme but we went in there under the War on Terror. Although some may disagree with that statement I made it and will now have to defend it. What if I told you Saddam himself was rather friendly to terror orginizations?
"Many terrorist movements and Saddam found a common enemy in the United States," This is from a report regarding the link between the dictator and and multiple terror groups including Al-qaeda (he was not involved in 9/11 however). (source Multiple contacts andconections? Sounds bad if you ask me.
So there were 'other' reasons for the war? Oil had to be the real reason though. No, it wasn't. I doubt it was more then an after thought. Remember, conservatives and moderates want local oil, not foreign. The Democrats may be open to this but in general the american people are not. How could I know? Well, it wouldn't even be a logical place to go for oil. Think about the fuel spent to get there. If we did infact go to war for oil then a more logical step would be to invade Mexico or even better Venezuela. Both have oil reserves and both would be vastly cheaper to wage a war against.
The war is costing too much. This is intresting to hear since the dems are not known for fiscal responsibility but lets play along. Often when refering to this arguement people talk about our nine trillion dollar national debt and how the Iraq war is the cause. Then in a quizzical yet intresting display of self defeat they also spout off that the war has cost 500 billion dollars right now. 9 trillion minus 500 billion is 8.5 trillion dollars so if the Iraq war never existed then we would be 8.5 trillion dollars in debt still. Ahh, what would they bitch about then? How bout the social programs that cost our government hundreds of billions of dollars a year? It is like a little cute Iraq war in every one of them. Only alot of the money invested in Iraq goes to American contractors to buy American steel and American made parts. Those social programs go to paying people not to work. Ya, this one doesn't float either. Glad to see them talk the talk though; it is half the job after all.
No fiscal responsibility is the reason. "But we are loseing the war!!!!" We are doing so well that their own prime minister now thinks it is time for a time table. I must say he is doing a good job as since Al-Maliki has taken office we have fullfilled 15 out of 17 benchmarks we have set upon placing there. Iraq will be stable given just a few more years (I would wager no more than 5). Unfortunately credit for victory may be given to the protesters this time. If the dems win then it is no doubt they will pull out. Id I was asked three months ago I would tell you it would be a massacre, today I would say it wouls be a gamble. If Iraq manages to stand on its own then it will be to Iraq and Al-Maliki's own credit and not the democratic party, not Nancy Pelosi and definately not Harry Reid.
Iraq was not for oil, Bush didn't lie, WMDs were found and the war is not being lost. But hey, don't listen to me. I am just one of the brainwashed sheeple. I will just sit back and wait for this to end for the better or for the worse.
War on Terror,
Yellow cake
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Independance Day '08
As the day of our independance draws near many people begin to think about the fireworks, the hot dogs and burgers, the festivals and parties. So as the Fourth of July approches stop and think about how we got here.
In the year 1770 no government on the face of the earth existed that was like the US. Just a few short years before we declared independance from Britan. Think about that. That means that our founders had very little to go on when it came to founding our government. If you were to found your own government what would you make it? If you think long enough you would undoubtedly come up with not just a government but even an economy and a culture. You may even go so far, as I have done when I was little, as to try to enforce laws to make the people of your country follow your own version of utopia. It is a beutiful idea huh? See, we all have this idea of a perfect society that if everyone just adhered to the the world would be perfect. If you stop to think though, what if your idea of utopia is someone elses idea of hell? Some may say I don't care; I know better. Now what if you were in someone elses idea of utopia? Talk to enough people and you will note that everyone elses idea of utopia is at least a little different. Suddenly you may be transported to paradise or a newer, more gruesome version of Nazi germany.
This is how profound our forefathers were. They knew that one man's tresure is another man's curse. So just think on this. What would you do knowing this? Well I can't know but I do know what Thomas Jefferson said "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens." The simple fact is that, assuming you are a benevolent leader, you will never have want to control your people. Imagine your people angry at you because you did one thing or another. To be more exact to his meaning, only a tyrant can come of a dictator. One other quote from him that strikes me is "The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object." This quote shows what the Declaration is all about. Our founders knew that there was no way to make a just government that listened only to the one and so instead they focused their efforts on making our government a government that listend to the many. This perfect government would only protect your freedoms and that this goal is the best and single most important thing in the world.
I would also like to talk about patriotism. defines patriotism as devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty. Certainly this is an honorable goal for all. Patriotism is sometimes used as some kind of political hockey puck with people questioning each others patriotism all the time. I am not saying that patriotism isn't important and I definately think this is a laudable trait, but sometimes it seems like a futile political game. If someone isn't a patriot then it is always obvious to those who are. It is as if patriotism is a tie-dye shirt. Everyone without one stares at the few who do. One major trait of patriotism is the self sacrifice for your own country, so by this standard all veterans are patriots, but sacrifice need not be just your life but your time or your money and maybe even your family. As John Adams, a hero of mine, said "Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives." In this sense, patriotism is the most important national resourse in the world.
So enjoy your barbeques and your fireworks shows. Just remember that those who came before us, those who graced us with their wisdom, are precicely why we are here. If not for them and every life given in the liberation and defense of our great country we may still be british and the world may never have known freedom.
In the year 1770 no government on the face of the earth existed that was like the US. Just a few short years before we declared independance from Britan. Think about that. That means that our founders had very little to go on when it came to founding our government. If you were to found your own government what would you make it? If you think long enough you would undoubtedly come up with not just a government but even an economy and a culture. You may even go so far, as I have done when I was little, as to try to enforce laws to make the people of your country follow your own version of utopia. It is a beutiful idea huh? See, we all have this idea of a perfect society that if everyone just adhered to the the world would be perfect. If you stop to think though, what if your idea of utopia is someone elses idea of hell? Some may say I don't care; I know better. Now what if you were in someone elses idea of utopia? Talk to enough people and you will note that everyone elses idea of utopia is at least a little different. Suddenly you may be transported to paradise or a newer, more gruesome version of Nazi germany.
This is how profound our forefathers were. They knew that one man's tresure is another man's curse. So just think on this. What would you do knowing this? Well I can't know but I do know what Thomas Jefferson said "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens." The simple fact is that, assuming you are a benevolent leader, you will never have want to control your people. Imagine your people angry at you because you did one thing or another. To be more exact to his meaning, only a tyrant can come of a dictator. One other quote from him that strikes me is "The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object." This quote shows what the Declaration is all about. Our founders knew that there was no way to make a just government that listened only to the one and so instead they focused their efforts on making our government a government that listend to the many. This perfect government would only protect your freedoms and that this goal is the best and single most important thing in the world.
I would also like to talk about patriotism. defines patriotism as devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty. Certainly this is an honorable goal for all. Patriotism is sometimes used as some kind of political hockey puck with people questioning each others patriotism all the time. I am not saying that patriotism isn't important and I definately think this is a laudable trait, but sometimes it seems like a futile political game. If someone isn't a patriot then it is always obvious to those who are. It is as if patriotism is a tie-dye shirt. Everyone without one stares at the few who do. One major trait of patriotism is the self sacrifice for your own country, so by this standard all veterans are patriots, but sacrifice need not be just your life but your time or your money and maybe even your family. As John Adams, a hero of mine, said "Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives." In this sense, patriotism is the most important national resourse in the world.
So enjoy your barbeques and your fireworks shows. Just remember that those who came before us, those who graced us with their wisdom, are precicely why we are here. If not for them and every life given in the liberation and defense of our great country we may still be british and the world may never have known freedom.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Victory is ours!!! sort of...
The supreme court rule against the D.C. gun ban this week. That's the good news. The bad news is that it was only by a 5 to 4 vote. Thanks to that swing vote of Kennedy's we have won this battle. I find it somewhat terrifying that four of the Supreme court justices have not read the Constitution of the United States. You know, the one they are supposed to interpret. This will undoubtedly change however with the new presidency. If Obama is elected and the congress stays heavily liberal then they together will appoint more radical judges. Great!!! More Ginsburgs. This is rather irritating to a NRA member like myself.
Some comments about this come from various places. Despite how much he infuriates me at least I agree with McCain here Today's ruling makes clear that other municipalities like Chicago that have banned handguns have infringed on the constitutional rights of Americans (courtesy of NPR Obama also gave a sort of praise Today's ruling, the first clear statement on this issue in 127 years, will provide much-needed guidance to local jurisdictions across the country," he said, adding that "what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne," but the decision reinforced that "if we act responsibly, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe. (also NPR)
I think this is interesting as he stated that "what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne." No Obama, it is what isn't constitutional in D.C. isn't constitutional anywhere in the U.S. period.
What was the dissenting opinions? Well Stevens tried to make the point that the Founders would have made the individual right aspect of the Second Amendment express if that was what was intended; that the "militia" preamble and exact phrase "to keep and bear arms" demands the conclusion that the Second Amendment touches on state militia service only. (wikipedia Would you have me assume that if I had read to sentences that read "In order to protect Jill's right to eats Ice cream, Jake's right to have brass knuckles must not be infringed." to mean that Jill should get the brass knuckles or that Jake can only possess them if Jill's right to eat ice cream is in danger? The preamble just gives a reason why the law exists (aside from protecting from a tyrannical gov't). Many laws have that kind of crap right at the top. Read the beginning of the constitution or the declaration. Read the beginning of the (thankfully) failed law called the climate security act of 2007.
Of course Breyer brought up how many people die because of guns. I am glad to say fear mongering hasn't gone out of style. Gun bans don't work. This has been proven numerous times. Do you think it is a coincidence that D.C. was the murder capital of the U.S.? Never mind, this point has been driven hard enough already and the only ones who believe this drivel anymore are the zealots.
Thankfully there are somethings we can do. If we can bring back the GOP as the conservative party and take back the congress from the radical left wing MoveOn mesmerized dems then we can impeach every on of those justices. That's right, Impeach. They can be impeached too. (read Article II last section if you don't believe me.) If we don't band together soon then we may not live in a free world for long.
Some comments about this come from various places. Despite how much he infuriates me at least I agree with McCain here Today's ruling makes clear that other municipalities like Chicago that have banned handguns have infringed on the constitutional rights of Americans (courtesy of NPR Obama also gave a sort of praise Today's ruling, the first clear statement on this issue in 127 years, will provide much-needed guidance to local jurisdictions across the country," he said, adding that "what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne," but the decision reinforced that "if we act responsibly, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe. (also NPR)
I think this is interesting as he stated that "what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne." No Obama, it is what isn't constitutional in D.C. isn't constitutional anywhere in the U.S. period.
What was the dissenting opinions? Well Stevens tried to make the point that the Founders would have made the individual right aspect of the Second Amendment express if that was what was intended; that the "militia" preamble and exact phrase "to keep and bear arms" demands the conclusion that the Second Amendment touches on state militia service only. (wikipedia Would you have me assume that if I had read to sentences that read "In order to protect Jill's right to eats Ice cream, Jake's right to have brass knuckles must not be infringed." to mean that Jill should get the brass knuckles or that Jake can only possess them if Jill's right to eat ice cream is in danger? The preamble just gives a reason why the law exists (aside from protecting from a tyrannical gov't). Many laws have that kind of crap right at the top. Read the beginning of the constitution or the declaration. Read the beginning of the (thankfully) failed law called the climate security act of 2007.
Of course Breyer brought up how many people die because of guns. I am glad to say fear mongering hasn't gone out of style. Gun bans don't work. This has been proven numerous times. Do you think it is a coincidence that D.C. was the murder capital of the U.S.? Never mind, this point has been driven hard enough already and the only ones who believe this drivel anymore are the zealots.
Thankfully there are somethings we can do. If we can bring back the GOP as the conservative party and take back the congress from the radical left wing MoveOn mesmerized dems then we can impeach every on of those justices. That's right, Impeach. They can be impeached too. (read Article II last section if you don't believe me.) If we don't band together soon then we may not live in a free world for long.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Argueing your point
Ever argue with a liberal? If your lucky, you will get a list of talking points. In essence they spit out rehearsed lines given to them by their teachers, friends, relatives, liberal pundits and even candidates for office. Go ahead, stop reading and try it. If your like me you will find it somewhat frustrating to talk to someone as programmed as many of them are. A bigger problem I see is when conservatives imitate liberals by spouting talking points. Even though everyone does this, even I do this, it disturbs me that some of these budding conservatives don't even know why they believe what they believe.
Arguments could very well just be people shouting talking points at one another but this accomplishes nothing. I guess first thing to remember is that before entering a conversation about a topic you need to know as much about that topic as possible. When you take a talking point and remember it, it is also a good idea to know the logic behind that idea. Knowing a talking point might get you points with the choir but a relatively intelligent lib will not be impressed. (despite what Ann Coulter says, they do exist)
When you finally do enter a conversation with a lib you will do well to note a few things about the person you are talking to. Most often libs come in the form of aggressors. They usually come from people who have argued their points with people who already agree with them and have become over confident. Often their reasons for inciting an impromptu debate are to impress friends or attempt to bring in a new member who isn't entirely convinced. Understand that these types of people are never going to be convinced that they are wrong. I would say that it is like arguing at a wall but theoretically your spittle will erode the wall before the aggressor lib sees his/her errors. You can tell an aggressor lib from other kinds of libs by the nasty, often snarky remarks they use to entice you into an argument. Another thing you will notice is that aggressors travel in packs and use numbers to "overpower" you. Their belief is that since there are more of them then there are of you then they must be more right. Eventually when you finish breaking down their talking points they will all resort to belittling you by calling you stupid and a fascist. Calling you a sheeple could be expected. In reality I doubt you will gain anything from these encounters and I would avoid them if possible. Although you may find this fun, especially if you get the confused stare after a good point.
The rest of the libs in the world are unconvinced to some level and can be broken down to subgroups that I shall call pre-zealots, thinkers, confused and the faithless. Pre-zealots are libs who have almost become so far gone that they are aggressors. In fact they may be completely indistinguishable from aggressors except that the confused stare is often accompanied by queries for information. Whether or not answering them will amount to anything is unknown but why not try? Thinkers are much harder to argue against then most libs. They tend to be alone and have thought their ideas more thoroughly than the average lib. These can be zealot like sometimes and mostly depends upon their own belief system. thinkers tend to make good friends as they are more accepting of alternate views and don't necessarily dismiss you the arguer with blanket statements like "your a fascist" or "your stupid".
The confused and faithless are different levels of the same thing. A confused liberal is a pre-zealot or thinker who has been stumped and is no longer sure of his ideas. given time, they will return to their zealotry but if you the arguer go and fan these flames then the seeds of doubt may grow. Often a confused my be escorted and supported by their zealot friends who will try to bring him back into the fold. A faithless is a lib who is on the verge of abandoning his programming for some independent thought. Many of them call themselves independent and stay out of arguments. They can be escorted by other zealots or be excluded by them depending on the number and complexity of questions he asks. These guys are ripe for the pickings and I would personally risk getting into a pointless argument with an aggressor in order to finish the job other conservative have started.
If your a lib and are reading this then you must be asking yourself "does this guy think he is more right then me?" The answer is, yes. I know I am more right. I spend large amounts of time questioning my own beliefs and figuring out the logic of every point and the premises and values I need to make my conclusion strong. If I argue a point you can bet I have thought it over for long periods of time and yes I am sure I would win or at least draw in an impromptu debate. But hey, I think this has more to do with my opponents weaknesses then any particular strength I have. (I actually think I am a lousy arguer. But that means little in a debate with a lib.) Basically I do not think I am great, I think you are either an idiot (zelots) or uninformed/brainwashed (everyone else). Am I an asshole? probably, but then again so is every other conservative. Leave us alone and we tend to keep to ourselves, call us out and we will intentionally insult your beliefs, and you may not even know it. I hope more conservatives look at their beliefs and learn them inside and out, because one day we will need to take back congress, and that day is soon or never.
Arguments could very well just be people shouting talking points at one another but this accomplishes nothing. I guess first thing to remember is that before entering a conversation about a topic you need to know as much about that topic as possible. When you take a talking point and remember it, it is also a good idea to know the logic behind that idea. Knowing a talking point might get you points with the choir but a relatively intelligent lib will not be impressed. (despite what Ann Coulter says, they do exist)
When you finally do enter a conversation with a lib you will do well to note a few things about the person you are talking to. Most often libs come in the form of aggressors. They usually come from people who have argued their points with people who already agree with them and have become over confident. Often their reasons for inciting an impromptu debate are to impress friends or attempt to bring in a new member who isn't entirely convinced. Understand that these types of people are never going to be convinced that they are wrong. I would say that it is like arguing at a wall but theoretically your spittle will erode the wall before the aggressor lib sees his/her errors. You can tell an aggressor lib from other kinds of libs by the nasty, often snarky remarks they use to entice you into an argument. Another thing you will notice is that aggressors travel in packs and use numbers to "overpower" you. Their belief is that since there are more of them then there are of you then they must be more right. Eventually when you finish breaking down their talking points they will all resort to belittling you by calling you stupid and a fascist. Calling you a sheeple could be expected. In reality I doubt you will gain anything from these encounters and I would avoid them if possible. Although you may find this fun, especially if you get the confused stare after a good point.
The rest of the libs in the world are unconvinced to some level and can be broken down to subgroups that I shall call pre-zealots, thinkers, confused and the faithless. Pre-zealots are libs who have almost become so far gone that they are aggressors. In fact they may be completely indistinguishable from aggressors except that the confused stare is often accompanied by queries for information. Whether or not answering them will amount to anything is unknown but why not try? Thinkers are much harder to argue against then most libs. They tend to be alone and have thought their ideas more thoroughly than the average lib. These can be zealot like sometimes and mostly depends upon their own belief system. thinkers tend to make good friends as they are more accepting of alternate views and don't necessarily dismiss you the arguer with blanket statements like "your a fascist" or "your stupid".
The confused and faithless are different levels of the same thing. A confused liberal is a pre-zealot or thinker who has been stumped and is no longer sure of his ideas. given time, they will return to their zealotry but if you the arguer go and fan these flames then the seeds of doubt may grow. Often a confused my be escorted and supported by their zealot friends who will try to bring him back into the fold. A faithless is a lib who is on the verge of abandoning his programming for some independent thought. Many of them call themselves independent and stay out of arguments. They can be escorted by other zealots or be excluded by them depending on the number and complexity of questions he asks. These guys are ripe for the pickings and I would personally risk getting into a pointless argument with an aggressor in order to finish the job other conservative have started.
If your a lib and are reading this then you must be asking yourself "does this guy think he is more right then me?" The answer is, yes. I know I am more right. I spend large amounts of time questioning my own beliefs and figuring out the logic of every point and the premises and values I need to make my conclusion strong. If I argue a point you can bet I have thought it over for long periods of time and yes I am sure I would win or at least draw in an impromptu debate. But hey, I think this has more to do with my opponents weaknesses then any particular strength I have. (I actually think I am a lousy arguer. But that means little in a debate with a lib.) Basically I do not think I am great, I think you are either an idiot (zelots) or uninformed/brainwashed (everyone else). Am I an asshole? probably, but then again so is every other conservative. Leave us alone and we tend to keep to ourselves, call us out and we will intentionally insult your beliefs, and you may not even know it. I hope more conservatives look at their beliefs and learn them inside and out, because one day we will need to take back congress, and that day is soon or never.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Gas doesn't grow on trees.
At least not in the literal sense. Yes, gas prices suck. I am now paying over $80 dollars a week on this required commodity, and I drive a 4 door sedan. Why the heck are these prices so outrageous!? Well, that depends on who you ask.
How could this be is a matter of perspective. It can't be actually. It is just that many of these people responsible are trying to cover their butts. Such is the nature of politics.
The first myth, it is all the oil companies fault. This sounds plausible if you ignore economics. Simply put, commodities are bought and sold at certain prices and the prices affect demand for those commodities. If I was selling bananas for a dime I would never doubt that you would buy as many as you could carry. If i sold those same bananas for three dollars, though, it would be a rip-off and I would be lucky to sell one. Likewise the oil companies that refine their oil and distribute it sell their gas at a certain price margin. This price margin happens to currently be about 8 1/2 cents per gallon. Sounds small? Well, consider that 300 million people buy billions of gallons of gas and now that sounds like a lot. In fact, Exxon Mobil made over 404 billion dollars net in 2007. (From Exxon Mobil's Form 10-K. SEC. Retrieved on 2008-04-21). That is massive. This theory sounds even better now, except that even if they made zero-profit margin the gas price would drop only eight cents. For this to have any real effect on fuel prices at the pump the oil companies like Exxon Mobil would have to take two dollars loss on every gallon of gas. This "evil" company would fold over night.
Some claim that oil companies are intentionally forcing the price upward. Ignoring the fact that their profit margin would have no increase and hence there is no incentive to do this, the "evil" corporations wouldn't want to anyway. Back to the bananas analogy, lets say my profit margin for every banana was x minus a nickle. So at ten cents my profit margin would be a nickle. It seems like a brilliant idea to simply increase your profit margin to make more money but eventually people start buying less. Less sales mean less profit. Oil companies can't allow their price to go too high, as you can see or else many people will simply take the bus or subway.
No, the real culprit is Congress. For thirty years there has been a ban on oil drilling of any kind and the building of oil refineries. Brilliant idea! Kill the supply, that will show those evil corporations. Naturally, as supply stayed roughly stable in the US and other countries, the demand rose as it was expected to. Supply and demand, something a fifth grader knows, naturally causes the price to go up as demand exceeds supply. This isn't just the Dem's fault, this isn't the republicans, nope, this is as bi-partisan as you can get. Don't you love how bi-partisanship only seems to exist in screw-ups?
We have enormous amounts of oil underneath the ground in the US. We could build dozens of refineries and drill up and down the coast of Florida, California and the Gulf of Mexico. This, yes, would take awhile, but I would rather have cheap gas in the future then no cheap gas at all.
A recent bit of misinformation being passed around is that increasing supply would not decrease price. One belief is that all the fuel would be shipped overseas to the world market. Where? Where would any company want to ship it that it could sell for a profit. It simply is cheaper to sell here, cheaper means less risk and hence a better overall decision. I wouldn't doubt that 50% of oil produced here would be used here.
The other one I have heard even more recently is a shift in blame from oil companies and onto oil futures traders. The misinformation here is that the price is made up primarily from these futures and that the price won't be affected much in any direction, as this is the 'real' problem. For those who don't know what oil futures are, a future is the guaranteed price on a commodity purchased at today's price. To be less esoteric, it would suffice to say that traders of the futures are buying commodities that do not exist yet at today's price in hopes that the price in the future is higher than today's price. It’s gambling on either a supply crisis or a demand boom. A recent example is corn. Due to the massive floods in several farm states the price of corn is expected to go up massively, as much as 400%. This means that anyone who bought futures in corn is having a heyday with their massive return.
This is roughly balanced, as prices are usually stable with increases following inflation but with the widely known supply shortage in oil, many futures traders are buying oil as there is little or no risk involved. It is almost a guarantee that they will make back their investment and more. As you can see this causes an artificial bubble in oil that increases oil prices. This theory is wrong, however, in one single way, the futures traders are not eternally stupid. Because of this they know that if the supply problem is solved then the price of oil, and therefore gas, will drop. If they know this is going to happen the futures traders will pull out, bursting the bubble. Many people will lose their shirts but let’s face it, the average American really does not care.
Congress is still refusing to open ANWR or allow offshore drilling. If you listen to Obama it becomes clear why. They don't want us to drive. They don't think oil companies are evil, they think we are evil. Us and our lack of concern for the environment. They can't make us believe in their Global Warming Delusion, so they have decided to make us comply with them. Make us drive hybrids and ride bicycles. The problem is that not everyone can afford a hybrid, not everyone can use a bicycle in common life. Some people need a truck to carry cement or tools or to carry groceries. I cannot afford a hybrid, and I cannot use a bicycle to get to work. I live over 40 miles away from where I work. Going even forty (I think I can only do twenty) it would take me an hour to get to work. I already wake up at three am. My father goes 70 miles up a mountain to get to work and then drives around all day. There is no way we could live without vehicles. Our nearest grocery store is ten miles away; and our family is not alone in this either. Once again, the 'enlightened' urbans think they know better than rural folk.
Cars cannot be eliminated, nor are any viable alternative fuels available. So drill dammit. Every week I am losing $80 until congress fixes this. I simply cannot wait for some pie in the sky idea. I need help with this now, so fix it.
How could this be is a matter of perspective. It can't be actually. It is just that many of these people responsible are trying to cover their butts. Such is the nature of politics.
The first myth, it is all the oil companies fault. This sounds plausible if you ignore economics. Simply put, commodities are bought and sold at certain prices and the prices affect demand for those commodities. If I was selling bananas for a dime I would never doubt that you would buy as many as you could carry. If i sold those same bananas for three dollars, though, it would be a rip-off and I would be lucky to sell one. Likewise the oil companies that refine their oil and distribute it sell their gas at a certain price margin. This price margin happens to currently be about 8 1/2 cents per gallon. Sounds small? Well, consider that 300 million people buy billions of gallons of gas and now that sounds like a lot. In fact, Exxon Mobil made over 404 billion dollars net in 2007. (From Exxon Mobil's Form 10-K. SEC. Retrieved on 2008-04-21). That is massive. This theory sounds even better now, except that even if they made zero-profit margin the gas price would drop only eight cents. For this to have any real effect on fuel prices at the pump the oil companies like Exxon Mobil would have to take two dollars loss on every gallon of gas. This "evil" company would fold over night.
Some claim that oil companies are intentionally forcing the price upward. Ignoring the fact that their profit margin would have no increase and hence there is no incentive to do this, the "evil" corporations wouldn't want to anyway. Back to the bananas analogy, lets say my profit margin for every banana was x minus a nickle. So at ten cents my profit margin would be a nickle. It seems like a brilliant idea to simply increase your profit margin to make more money but eventually people start buying less. Less sales mean less profit. Oil companies can't allow their price to go too high, as you can see or else many people will simply take the bus or subway.
No, the real culprit is Congress. For thirty years there has been a ban on oil drilling of any kind and the building of oil refineries. Brilliant idea! Kill the supply, that will show those evil corporations. Naturally, as supply stayed roughly stable in the US and other countries, the demand rose as it was expected to. Supply and demand, something a fifth grader knows, naturally causes the price to go up as demand exceeds supply. This isn't just the Dem's fault, this isn't the republicans, nope, this is as bi-partisan as you can get. Don't you love how bi-partisanship only seems to exist in screw-ups?
We have enormous amounts of oil underneath the ground in the US. We could build dozens of refineries and drill up and down the coast of Florida, California and the Gulf of Mexico. This, yes, would take awhile, but I would rather have cheap gas in the future then no cheap gas at all.
A recent bit of misinformation being passed around is that increasing supply would not decrease price. One belief is that all the fuel would be shipped overseas to the world market. Where? Where would any company want to ship it that it could sell for a profit. It simply is cheaper to sell here, cheaper means less risk and hence a better overall decision. I wouldn't doubt that 50% of oil produced here would be used here.
The other one I have heard even more recently is a shift in blame from oil companies and onto oil futures traders. The misinformation here is that the price is made up primarily from these futures and that the price won't be affected much in any direction, as this is the 'real' problem. For those who don't know what oil futures are, a future is the guaranteed price on a commodity purchased at today's price. To be less esoteric, it would suffice to say that traders of the futures are buying commodities that do not exist yet at today's price in hopes that the price in the future is higher than today's price. It’s gambling on either a supply crisis or a demand boom. A recent example is corn. Due to the massive floods in several farm states the price of corn is expected to go up massively, as much as 400%. This means that anyone who bought futures in corn is having a heyday with their massive return.
This is roughly balanced, as prices are usually stable with increases following inflation but with the widely known supply shortage in oil, many futures traders are buying oil as there is little or no risk involved. It is almost a guarantee that they will make back their investment and more. As you can see this causes an artificial bubble in oil that increases oil prices. This theory is wrong, however, in one single way, the futures traders are not eternally stupid. Because of this they know that if the supply problem is solved then the price of oil, and therefore gas, will drop. If they know this is going to happen the futures traders will pull out, bursting the bubble. Many people will lose their shirts but let’s face it, the average American really does not care.
Congress is still refusing to open ANWR or allow offshore drilling. If you listen to Obama it becomes clear why. They don't want us to drive. They don't think oil companies are evil, they think we are evil. Us and our lack of concern for the environment. They can't make us believe in their Global Warming Delusion, so they have decided to make us comply with them. Make us drive hybrids and ride bicycles. The problem is that not everyone can afford a hybrid, not everyone can use a bicycle in common life. Some people need a truck to carry cement or tools or to carry groceries. I cannot afford a hybrid, and I cannot use a bicycle to get to work. I live over 40 miles away from where I work. Going even forty (I think I can only do twenty) it would take me an hour to get to work. I already wake up at three am. My father goes 70 miles up a mountain to get to work and then drives around all day. There is no way we could live without vehicles. Our nearest grocery store is ten miles away; and our family is not alone in this either. Once again, the 'enlightened' urbans think they know better than rural folk.
Cars cannot be eliminated, nor are any viable alternative fuels available. So drill dammit. Every week I am losing $80 until congress fixes this. I simply cannot wait for some pie in the sky idea. I need help with this now, so fix it.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Global Warming Insanity pt. 3
I have been sticking my nose to the grind and went searching for evidence that these people (especially Al Gore). I found nothing, and since I am not going to state anything as truth without evidence I am going to state right now that all of this post will be unsubstantiated.
I have disproved Anthropogenic Global Warming (at least as much as I can) in my last post. The question that comes up is that if this evidence is easily available then why does anyone believe it? Why does anyone claim it to be true? There are three main schools of thought that I know of.
The first is the one I favor the most. The media are using AGW to get more money. The idea behind this one is that TV stations and newspapers get money from advertising. Advertisers pay money based on viewership/readership, so more viewers/readers is equal to more money. Now although people say they want truthful news, in reality people will simply ignore boring news casts. Be honest. If you had to choose between a show about the latest Britney Spears screw up and a traffic report you will change the channel to Spears. Well what trumps even celebrity shenanigans? The end of the world. If I owned a TV station and I could get away with it then I would tell everyone that an asteroid was about to impact the earth. So regardless of any evidence available, it would be more profitable to be alarmist. Heck, why even bother with fact checking. Anyone who knows enough about science knows that every little detail of every theory on earth if constantly being argued over. If you were ever caught you could simply state that the "information is not yet in".
The second one is simple. People are stupid. Don't attack me yet, this one is a common belief. Basically people either don't know about the information I have posted or they simply don't care at all. Under this idea it is possible to say that no one, except maybe the experts in the field, knows about AGW's flaws. I think this one is right to an extent. I doubt that everyone knows nothing. This would require unprecedented amounts of ignorance. It would probably be more then any other time in history. Even when people believed in a flat earth the Greeks had figured out that was incorrect.
The third theory is more fun then I think it true. This is mainly because it is the only example of a conservative conspiracy theory I know off hand. The theory is that the government or entities within the government, are using AGW to control your life. I would normally laugh at this be unfortunately if you accept the premise that they already know AGW is incorrect and take a look at the climate security act of 2007 then it becomes apparent that there is some water in that cup. How much is to be determined. The reasoning behind why they want control varies a little mostly with what ideology the government wants to push. The most conservative reasoning ( by conservative I mean the reasoning that would be used most often by conservatives) is that the government is trying to push socialism. Others believe it is a fascism they are pushing (I like to point out that socialism is a type a fascism and hence they are restating the previous theory). Regardless of the reasoning I still classify this as a conspiracy theory as it would require a massive amount of coordination in the media (the media is supposedly involved in this) and congress. Occam's razor prevents me from believing this.
These are the why's behind AGW. One I didn't mention is the one about politicians doing this for money. Usually the logic is that they hold stock and while that is not bad as far as evidence goes, it isn't "conclusive". Can we know why? Probably not. Only way I can figure is if you prove in a very public place that they are full of it and then ask/demand to know why. I don't see this happening so it is easily ignored.
The bottom line is that AGW is far away from being accepted yet policy is based on its supposed validity. A bright side is that the Climate Security Act of 2007 has failed in the Senate so we can rest easy for a while but unless a massive conservative victory comes in November the act will pass on the next session.
I have disproved Anthropogenic Global Warming (at least as much as I can) in my last post. The question that comes up is that if this evidence is easily available then why does anyone believe it? Why does anyone claim it to be true? There are three main schools of thought that I know of.
The first is the one I favor the most. The media are using AGW to get more money. The idea behind this one is that TV stations and newspapers get money from advertising. Advertisers pay money based on viewership/readership, so more viewers/readers is equal to more money. Now although people say they want truthful news, in reality people will simply ignore boring news casts. Be honest. If you had to choose between a show about the latest Britney Spears screw up and a traffic report you will change the channel to Spears. Well what trumps even celebrity shenanigans? The end of the world. If I owned a TV station and I could get away with it then I would tell everyone that an asteroid was about to impact the earth. So regardless of any evidence available, it would be more profitable to be alarmist. Heck, why even bother with fact checking. Anyone who knows enough about science knows that every little detail of every theory on earth if constantly being argued over. If you were ever caught you could simply state that the "information is not yet in".
The second one is simple. People are stupid. Don't attack me yet, this one is a common belief. Basically people either don't know about the information I have posted or they simply don't care at all. Under this idea it is possible to say that no one, except maybe the experts in the field, knows about AGW's flaws. I think this one is right to an extent. I doubt that everyone knows nothing. This would require unprecedented amounts of ignorance. It would probably be more then any other time in history. Even when people believed in a flat earth the Greeks had figured out that was incorrect.
The third theory is more fun then I think it true. This is mainly because it is the only example of a conservative conspiracy theory I know off hand. The theory is that the government or entities within the government, are using AGW to control your life. I would normally laugh at this be unfortunately if you accept the premise that they already know AGW is incorrect and take a look at the climate security act of 2007 then it becomes apparent that there is some water in that cup. How much is to be determined. The reasoning behind why they want control varies a little mostly with what ideology the government wants to push. The most conservative reasoning ( by conservative I mean the reasoning that would be used most often by conservatives) is that the government is trying to push socialism. Others believe it is a fascism they are pushing (I like to point out that socialism is a type a fascism and hence they are restating the previous theory). Regardless of the reasoning I still classify this as a conspiracy theory as it would require a massive amount of coordination in the media (the media is supposedly involved in this) and congress. Occam's razor prevents me from believing this.
These are the why's behind AGW. One I didn't mention is the one about politicians doing this for money. Usually the logic is that they hold stock and while that is not bad as far as evidence goes, it isn't "conclusive". Can we know why? Probably not. Only way I can figure is if you prove in a very public place that they are full of it and then ask/demand to know why. I don't see this happening so it is easily ignored.
The bottom line is that AGW is far away from being accepted yet policy is based on its supposed validity. A bright side is that the Climate Security Act of 2007 has failed in the Senate so we can rest easy for a while but unless a massive conservative victory comes in November the act will pass on the next session.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Global Warming Insanity pt. II
Ahh here again. I tried to do some research so as to prove another point but couldn't find what I needed so I am just going to stick with my original proof.
If you look at the data from the Petit et. al. analysis of the ice cores and make a graph in Excel you will notice that there appears to be a correlation. For the next part I am going to ask a simple question. If you were expecting CO2 to cause temperature increases on a global scale then what would the graph look like? Think on this a little and then look at the next parahgraph.
If you said CO2 goes up first then you would be correct. simple causeality would seem to state that if something causes another thing then that thing must occur first. This follows in the event of a car accident. It is unlikely that a bumper would get dented before the accident. This however is not seen in the Vostok cores as analysed by Petit et. al.. For instance just in the last glacial transition there was a lag of almost 1500 years. the one before that had another lag of several thousand years. This is consistent with the idea that temperature causes CO2 and not the other way around. Since backward causeality, effect before the cause, makes no sense this should be the smoking gun that disproves AGW.
This isn't quite the end though as the argument against this is that CO2 is a "feedback". Basically temperature causes an initial increase in CO2 and then CO2 in turn amplifies the temperature. This seems to fix the problem but in reality only causes a new one. Feedbacks come in two different flavors, positive and negative. An example of a positive feedback would be a bunch of rabbits in a pen and for every x number of months that go by the rabbit population increases by 50%. If you started with lets say 20 rabbits and waited lets say three months then when those months are over you will have 30 rabbits. If you repeat this prossess then you will get 45 rabbits then 67 then about 100 and so on. If this were graphed then it would look like an exponential graph. (sorry about speaking in mathese, I will try to limit it) A negative feedback would be like the rabbits exceeding their food supply and starving themselves to death. That would look logarithmic in nature.
Back to CO2, if the feedback is positive, which it would most likely be, then temperature would increase CO2 which would raise temperature which would raise CO2 etc... until a catastrophic climate catastrophy took place or a negative feedback kicked in to stop the runaway prossess. Conversely if the feedback was negative, either to start with or as a natural cutoff, then to increase our temperature by x amount you would need y amount the first time then 2y the second time then 4y the next time and so on. Essentially the amount of CO2 we as a species would have to produce to have the kind of effect described would require such a large amount of CO2 that I would wager that the air would toxify before we exceeded the 2 degrees centigrade required to bring about total destruction.
And one more thing, the two degrees that are supposed to kill all life on earth, made up. It would have to be as no self-respecting scientist would declare that two is the magic number that would cause mass extinctions. How could I know? Simple, just 126k years ago the temperature was 3.06 degrees higher than it is today. Just 126k years, not 126 mya not 126 bya (universe wasn't around then anyway) but 126k years ago. Our ancesters were even around then. So much of the evidence is made up that to look at it makes me cry.
Why do I care? Because, I love science. Especially cosmology, gotta love the universe. When I see these global warming fanatics I become irritated by their use of science. Rather then subjecting their ideas and hypotheseis to the facts they instead subject the facts to their hypotheseis. This is completely contrary to the scientific prossess and is a disgrace.
This was a long post, I will finish this someother time with a why segment. Right now I am tired of doing research and am taking a break.
Sources: Vostok core data and (the bit about 2 degrees killing everyone.)
If you look at the data from the Petit et. al. analysis of the ice cores and make a graph in Excel you will notice that there appears to be a correlation. For the next part I am going to ask a simple question. If you were expecting CO2 to cause temperature increases on a global scale then what would the graph look like? Think on this a little and then look at the next parahgraph.
If you said CO2 goes up first then you would be correct. simple causeality would seem to state that if something causes another thing then that thing must occur first. This follows in the event of a car accident. It is unlikely that a bumper would get dented before the accident. This however is not seen in the Vostok cores as analysed by Petit et. al.. For instance just in the last glacial transition there was a lag of almost 1500 years. the one before that had another lag of several thousand years. This is consistent with the idea that temperature causes CO2 and not the other way around. Since backward causeality, effect before the cause, makes no sense this should be the smoking gun that disproves AGW.
This isn't quite the end though as the argument against this is that CO2 is a "feedback". Basically temperature causes an initial increase in CO2 and then CO2 in turn amplifies the temperature. This seems to fix the problem but in reality only causes a new one. Feedbacks come in two different flavors, positive and negative. An example of a positive feedback would be a bunch of rabbits in a pen and for every x number of months that go by the rabbit population increases by 50%. If you started with lets say 20 rabbits and waited lets say three months then when those months are over you will have 30 rabbits. If you repeat this prossess then you will get 45 rabbits then 67 then about 100 and so on. If this were graphed then it would look like an exponential graph. (sorry about speaking in mathese, I will try to limit it) A negative feedback would be like the rabbits exceeding their food supply and starving themselves to death. That would look logarithmic in nature.
Back to CO2, if the feedback is positive, which it would most likely be, then temperature would increase CO2 which would raise temperature which would raise CO2 etc... until a catastrophic climate catastrophy took place or a negative feedback kicked in to stop the runaway prossess. Conversely if the feedback was negative, either to start with or as a natural cutoff, then to increase our temperature by x amount you would need y amount the first time then 2y the second time then 4y the next time and so on. Essentially the amount of CO2 we as a species would have to produce to have the kind of effect described would require such a large amount of CO2 that I would wager that the air would toxify before we exceeded the 2 degrees centigrade required to bring about total destruction.
And one more thing, the two degrees that are supposed to kill all life on earth, made up. It would have to be as no self-respecting scientist would declare that two is the magic number that would cause mass extinctions. How could I know? Simple, just 126k years ago the temperature was 3.06 degrees higher than it is today. Just 126k years, not 126 mya not 126 bya (universe wasn't around then anyway) but 126k years ago. Our ancesters were even around then. So much of the evidence is made up that to look at it makes me cry.
Why do I care? Because, I love science. Especially cosmology, gotta love the universe. When I see these global warming fanatics I become irritated by their use of science. Rather then subjecting their ideas and hypotheseis to the facts they instead subject the facts to their hypotheseis. This is completely contrary to the scientific prossess and is a disgrace.
This was a long post, I will finish this someother time with a why segment. Right now I am tired of doing research and am taking a break.
Sources: Vostok core data and (the bit about 2 degrees killing everyone.)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Global Warming Insanity Pt. I
Another day passes by and another bill is drafted. This new bill lovingly called the Leiberman-Warner bill or the climate security act of 2007 is once again trying to impose the carbon cap and trade idea on the american people. This bill is likely to take a year of so before it is finally passed; you know, when libs (sorry "progressives") control both houses and the presidents office. Of course I am just insane. None of this will harm us and we need to save the environment or else we will all die.
Everyone knows the prediction of twenty meters of ocean increase that will flood everyone else out of their homes and the mass droughts that will cause world wide deserts. Toxic air was another I have heard and mass extinctions of all species including our own. Also, how could I forget how our planet will become like Venus, a planet that I would vote for being the planet that most closely resembles hell. Of course most people who even buy into Anthropogenic Global Warming still don't buy all of this but I have met a few.
How can I doubt something that is a "closed" discussion in science? Well, first of all there is no such thing as closed in science. If closed discussions were ever honored then we would still beleive the solar system revolved around us. I thought conservatives were supposed to fear science? Maybe they all mean that science is pretty sure it is right, i.e. AGW is a theory. Sure, except that a petition is being circled around right now that has no less than nine-thousand signitures from scientists includeing something like fifty PH.Ds. I havent seen this myself so I cannot comment on this petition, but I didn't expect that to be proof, just a sort of "Ain't it interesting?" kind of comment.
There are lots of proof I am told, so where is this proof?

That is a picture of the vostok cores. This mostly is used to show that there is a correlation between CO2 and Temperature. Anyone who did not fall asleep in statistics could tell you that correlation does not prove causation but that is what this is used for. One major problem with this is that when I looked at this grap I came to the conclution that something is wrong with this graph. Look at the CO2 at the end of the graph that rises massively. That is supposed to represent our effect on the environment, but here is the problem. In the raw data of the Vostok cores I found on the internet does not show any such spike. The spike in the graph above reaches up to about 380 ppmv the actual data from Petit et. al. only goes to 280 ppmv.(source Where does this spike come from? I have no clue. Petit's own mesurements in 2001 only go to 2342 YBP. The rest is either made up or grabbed from someone else. (The website I grabbed this from only sources Petit et. al. for the graph so I cannot tell who they could have grabbed this from. They also source the much allauded IPCC report so maybe they just forgot to mention this.)
Assuming these are actual mesurements then what we have is a composite graph. Major problem with composite graphs is that the mesurements can come from two very different sources. Sure, the data could have come from the same or similar places or we could have a situation where one mesurement came from the antarctic and the other a busy metropolis. Why not just show you a good graph in the first place? Because this graph, along with another graph, is used in Al Gore's movie. This is the kind of thing that makes it so hard for anyone to speak of AGW. If I say anything then someone will pull up a bogus graph.
I am running long so I will finish my proof of AGW's flaws another time. Then tell you what it all means.
Everyone knows the prediction of twenty meters of ocean increase that will flood everyone else out of their homes and the mass droughts that will cause world wide deserts. Toxic air was another I have heard and mass extinctions of all species including our own. Also, how could I forget how our planet will become like Venus, a planet that I would vote for being the planet that most closely resembles hell. Of course most people who even buy into Anthropogenic Global Warming still don't buy all of this but I have met a few.
How can I doubt something that is a "closed" discussion in science? Well, first of all there is no such thing as closed in science. If closed discussions were ever honored then we would still beleive the solar system revolved around us. I thought conservatives were supposed to fear science? Maybe they all mean that science is pretty sure it is right, i.e. AGW is a theory. Sure, except that a petition is being circled around right now that has no less than nine-thousand signitures from scientists includeing something like fifty PH.Ds. I havent seen this myself so I cannot comment on this petition, but I didn't expect that to be proof, just a sort of "Ain't it interesting?" kind of comment.
There are lots of proof I am told, so where is this proof?

That is a picture of the vostok cores. This mostly is used to show that there is a correlation between CO2 and Temperature. Anyone who did not fall asleep in statistics could tell you that correlation does not prove causation but that is what this is used for. One major problem with this is that when I looked at this grap I came to the conclution that something is wrong with this graph. Look at the CO2 at the end of the graph that rises massively. That is supposed to represent our effect on the environment, but here is the problem. In the raw data of the Vostok cores I found on the internet does not show any such spike. The spike in the graph above reaches up to about 380 ppmv the actual data from Petit et. al. only goes to 280 ppmv.(source Where does this spike come from? I have no clue. Petit's own mesurements in 2001 only go to 2342 YBP. The rest is either made up or grabbed from someone else. (The website I grabbed this from only sources Petit et. al. for the graph so I cannot tell who they could have grabbed this from. They also source the much allauded IPCC report so maybe they just forgot to mention this.)
Assuming these are actual mesurements then what we have is a composite graph. Major problem with composite graphs is that the mesurements can come from two very different sources. Sure, the data could have come from the same or similar places or we could have a situation where one mesurement came from the antarctic and the other a busy metropolis. Why not just show you a good graph in the first place? Because this graph, along with another graph, is used in Al Gore's movie. This is the kind of thing that makes it so hard for anyone to speak of AGW. If I say anything then someone will pull up a bogus graph.
I am running long so I will finish my proof of AGW's flaws another time. Then tell you what it all means.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Not Your Daddy's Father
Let me start by saying that I am a Catholic. I have been to mass, I have seen fathers speak of the word. I like my current father who really knows how to drive the word home. I have never been to a church though where my father/pastor or what have you screamed about snuffing out a shop owner.
Your lost? No this isn't Reverend Wright, this is Obama's other spiritual advisor. His name is Michael Pflegar, Father Michael Pflegar. He is a Catholic minister in Chicago as well. The first question I have isn't even what does this say about Obama but what happened to Christianity? Are these churches this crazy or are mine just that backward? Where is the peace? Is this how we teach the message of Christ? Was my memo lost in the mail? Darn those postmen. If this is what the church has to say to people today then it is no wonder there is a problem with recruiting.
There are too many of these priests for this to be some isolated incident. This is a problem that needs solving. Granted, Reverend Wright is not Catholic but he is still christian. This is a problem for every sect of Christianity. But hey, maybe I am just backward, one of the slow guys who fail to keep up with the world. If this is true then I am happy to be so.
Moving on to Obama. I did not judge as harshly for his first advisor as most did. Then again his ideology already was too much for me to stomach. Now we have two of his advisers giving very similar speeches in two different churches. Perhaps he met one through the other, in fact i think that was the case, but what about his wife's comments? His voting record? What about the plethora of topics I am not allowed to bring up lest I be called a heathen? If this were just one thing I would ignore it gladly and stick to the issues (I know he would fail on them all anyway), but puzzle pieces add to build a picture.
A while ago I worked at a different job and this job happened to have several pot heads. I didn't know at the time but the place was known for this. Despite who I was with, most of the customers I served could tell after talking with me that I was not a stoner. I would here comments like "What are you doing here?" So yes you can be judged unfairly just by who your with. This rule though applies only for so long. If these same customers saw me with a joint in my hand, a herby smell or a bong in hand then there would have been no confusion. Reverend Wright, had he been alone, would have been just an association, but with Pflegar, his wife and the new pastor of Trinity there is little doubt of the kind of picture we have here.
I already disagreed with his ideas on several levels. All that he adds here just gives us the why behind the what. For those of you democrats who are not sure still who to vote, just remember the why tells you more about a man's beliefs then his eloquent speeches will.
Your lost? No this isn't Reverend Wright, this is Obama's other spiritual advisor. His name is Michael Pflegar, Father Michael Pflegar. He is a Catholic minister in Chicago as well. The first question I have isn't even what does this say about Obama but what happened to Christianity? Are these churches this crazy or are mine just that backward? Where is the peace? Is this how we teach the message of Christ? Was my memo lost in the mail? Darn those postmen. If this is what the church has to say to people today then it is no wonder there is a problem with recruiting.
There are too many of these priests for this to be some isolated incident. This is a problem that needs solving. Granted, Reverend Wright is not Catholic but he is still christian. This is a problem for every sect of Christianity. But hey, maybe I am just backward, one of the slow guys who fail to keep up with the world. If this is true then I am happy to be so.
Moving on to Obama. I did not judge as harshly for his first advisor as most did. Then again his ideology already was too much for me to stomach. Now we have two of his advisers giving very similar speeches in two different churches. Perhaps he met one through the other, in fact i think that was the case, but what about his wife's comments? His voting record? What about the plethora of topics I am not allowed to bring up lest I be called a heathen? If this were just one thing I would ignore it gladly and stick to the issues (I know he would fail on them all anyway), but puzzle pieces add to build a picture.
A while ago I worked at a different job and this job happened to have several pot heads. I didn't know at the time but the place was known for this. Despite who I was with, most of the customers I served could tell after talking with me that I was not a stoner. I would here comments like "What are you doing here?" So yes you can be judged unfairly just by who your with. This rule though applies only for so long. If these same customers saw me with a joint in my hand, a herby smell or a bong in hand then there would have been no confusion. Reverend Wright, had he been alone, would have been just an association, but with Pflegar, his wife and the new pastor of Trinity there is little doubt of the kind of picture we have here.
I already disagreed with his ideas on several levels. All that he adds here just gives us the why behind the what. For those of you democrats who are not sure still who to vote, just remember the why tells you more about a man's beliefs then his eloquent speeches will.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Troop Support Fallacy
I have numerous friends and not all of them conservative like me. This is natural and I obviously don't mind differing opinions. One thing I hear often is a general lack of support for the war. Of course most conservatives always ask "don't you support the troops?". This response from conservatives has become so common that it is now made fun of in the media. I usually ask the question "Why not?" instead as I get more descriptive answers. Undoubtedly I will hear the anger that we shouldn't be in Iraq, that the war is over oil, Halibertan, Bush is evil. You would figure I would learn right? Well, eventually I did.
This all stems from a fallacious division between supporting the war and supporting the troops. Most people I talk to have been convinced that somehow, perhaps through magic, that this is a possible point of view. Well while I was at my new job picking up garbage I thought a bit and figured out not just that this is wrong, but why this is wrong.
The very first thing that must be realized is that to say this war is over oil and wrong for some reason is to say that our foe is innocent. By this I mean that we have no right being there and no right to use force to impose anything upon them. Basically the war is unjustified. If our troops are there killing these obviously innocent people then they are murderers. Ya that's right, murderers. To claim that the war is unjustified and that those we are fighting are innocent somehow then that means anyone who kills them are murderers. So short of supporting murderers you cannot support the troops without supporting the war.
"But they are forced!!" No they aren't. Despite the rumors of a draft coming there is no mandate to serve. Furthermore the men and women who are there often go back for several tours. "But they are payed money and are government officials." Guess what, hitmen are payed and you will find them all in prison. In the 1700's many countries used to employ privateers to rob our enemies. They all end up in prison or worse. There is no argument to deflect this one problem.
This argument applies no matter the reason for this war or its current state. No matter how this is spun the war MUST be supported to support the troops. Now with most people I have no doubt they were unaware of this fallacy; they are forgiven. The people in congress and the media are a different matter. In case you have forgotten these are the same people who just a few years before I was born were found spitting on troops and cursing them. You honestly believe they have seen the error of their ways? Sure they have. The error they have seen is that you have to hide how you truly feel. If a congressman is found to even mention a negative view of troops then he would be castrated on the spot.
Just remember, it is the same as calling our troops murderers when you claim the war is for oil. If you want to say the war could have been done better then fine, but to yell about blood oil and evils for money then you have called out every active duty officer in Iraq. There is no division between the two.
This all stems from a fallacious division between supporting the war and supporting the troops. Most people I talk to have been convinced that somehow, perhaps through magic, that this is a possible point of view. Well while I was at my new job picking up garbage I thought a bit and figured out not just that this is wrong, but why this is wrong.
The very first thing that must be realized is that to say this war is over oil and wrong for some reason is to say that our foe is innocent. By this I mean that we have no right being there and no right to use force to impose anything upon them. Basically the war is unjustified. If our troops are there killing these obviously innocent people then they are murderers. Ya that's right, murderers. To claim that the war is unjustified and that those we are fighting are innocent somehow then that means anyone who kills them are murderers. So short of supporting murderers you cannot support the troops without supporting the war.
"But they are forced!!" No they aren't. Despite the rumors of a draft coming there is no mandate to serve. Furthermore the men and women who are there often go back for several tours. "But they are payed money and are government officials." Guess what, hitmen are payed and you will find them all in prison. In the 1700's many countries used to employ privateers to rob our enemies. They all end up in prison or worse. There is no argument to deflect this one problem.
This argument applies no matter the reason for this war or its current state. No matter how this is spun the war MUST be supported to support the troops. Now with most people I have no doubt they were unaware of this fallacy; they are forgiven. The people in congress and the media are a different matter. In case you have forgotten these are the same people who just a few years before I was born were found spitting on troops and cursing them. You honestly believe they have seen the error of their ways? Sure they have. The error they have seen is that you have to hide how you truly feel. If a congressman is found to even mention a negative view of troops then he would be castrated on the spot.
Just remember, it is the same as calling our troops murderers when you claim the war is for oil. If you want to say the war could have been done better then fine, but to yell about blood oil and evils for money then you have called out every active duty officer in Iraq. There is no division between the two.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Marriage Problem
Raise your hand if you know about the California ruling regarding gay marriage. If your reading this you probably already know but it is possible that you don't. Basically the people of California voted to make same sex marriage unrecognised in the state of California. then in a typical move of supreme court judges they struck down the law claiming that it was discrimination. I don't agree with this ruling at all. Oh god, another conservative against gay marriage!!! Nope, sure you thought that though.
I have two problems with this ruling. My first problem is that once again Judges have decided that their job is not to interpret the laws but to write them. This is probably the most irritating to me as in my great state of Nevada the same thing was done by our own judges who decided all on their own that a particular law voted in by the people should be struck down. The law struck down was a state constitutional amendment that forbid any tax increase without a minimum of two-thirds of the state assembly and Senate. Their reasoning in our case was that we, the people, were to uniformed and did not know what we were voting on. To pass an amendment to the constitution here in the state of Nevada the law must be passed twice. So in essence, the supreme court judges here decided that we were to stupid to vote, but I digress.
The other problem I have is that this should not be legislated in the first place. Granted, California voters have the right to make any laws they want in their own state but this is not about their state. the goal is to try to force people to accept, no overwhelmingly support homosexuals. You cannot make me do anything. If I chose not to accept white guys with blond hair and freckles then that is my choice. A simple fact is that this problem of gay marriage is insane because the idea of ANY state sanctioned marriage is insane. I do not care about who gets married to who or even what but I do have a problem with the idea of state sanctioned marriage licences.
There are two reasons for this. Number one, by stating that a marriage is accepted is to state that anyone who disagrees is wrong. This being done on an individual level is fine, we all are different after all. But this is being done on a state and federal level. You are for all intents and purposes saying that you are not only wrong but that you could be held accountable for your beliefs. My even bigger problem is that as I said, people are getting marriage licences. This being true raises the question of what gives the state/federal government the right to tell me I can marry someone. This is not like getting a drivers licence where you have to pass a test to determine whether or not you are competent. This is a subjective test where someone else literally get to decide, for whatever reason they want, that you are "good enough" to get married. You pro-gay marriage advocates should pay close attention, the mere existence of this kind of thinking is what you at least claim to be against. No one and I mean no one has a right to tells someone else who they should really love..
In closing I am ticked off that and court thinks that is can overstep its boundary and rule against the people, but I am also irritated that some entity high in the sky thinks it can make decisions about my life and anyone else's life. If you are gay and reading this now I will tell you that if you are in love then find someone to perform the ceremony, screw marriage licences. Who cares if others agree with you. If on the other hand your goal isn't to spend your life with someone. If your goal is instead to dictate to me what I SHOULD believe, something I have no doubt Sally Kirkland really wants, then the only thing I have to say to you is that you are no different then your oppressors. The only difference is that your method of oppression works in your favor. Simply put, I do not care about what you believe, just let me be as hard headed or soft hearted as I want to be and I will let you do the same.
I have two problems with this ruling. My first problem is that once again Judges have decided that their job is not to interpret the laws but to write them. This is probably the most irritating to me as in my great state of Nevada the same thing was done by our own judges who decided all on their own that a particular law voted in by the people should be struck down. The law struck down was a state constitutional amendment that forbid any tax increase without a minimum of two-thirds of the state assembly and Senate. Their reasoning in our case was that we, the people, were to uniformed and did not know what we were voting on. To pass an amendment to the constitution here in the state of Nevada the law must be passed twice. So in essence, the supreme court judges here decided that we were to stupid to vote, but I digress.
The other problem I have is that this should not be legislated in the first place. Granted, California voters have the right to make any laws they want in their own state but this is not about their state. the goal is to try to force people to accept, no overwhelmingly support homosexuals. You cannot make me do anything. If I chose not to accept white guys with blond hair and freckles then that is my choice. A simple fact is that this problem of gay marriage is insane because the idea of ANY state sanctioned marriage is insane. I do not care about who gets married to who or even what but I do have a problem with the idea of state sanctioned marriage licences.
There are two reasons for this. Number one, by stating that a marriage is accepted is to state that anyone who disagrees is wrong. This being done on an individual level is fine, we all are different after all. But this is being done on a state and federal level. You are for all intents and purposes saying that you are not only wrong but that you could be held accountable for your beliefs. My even bigger problem is that as I said, people are getting marriage licences. This being true raises the question of what gives the state/federal government the right to tell me I can marry someone. This is not like getting a drivers licence where you have to pass a test to determine whether or not you are competent. This is a subjective test where someone else literally get to decide, for whatever reason they want, that you are "good enough" to get married. You pro-gay marriage advocates should pay close attention, the mere existence of this kind of thinking is what you at least claim to be against. No one and I mean no one has a right to tells someone else who they should really love..
In closing I am ticked off that and court thinks that is can overstep its boundary and rule against the people, but I am also irritated that some entity high in the sky thinks it can make decisions about my life and anyone else's life. If you are gay and reading this now I will tell you that if you are in love then find someone to perform the ceremony, screw marriage licences. Who cares if others agree with you. If on the other hand your goal isn't to spend your life with someone. If your goal is instead to dictate to me what I SHOULD believe, something I have no doubt Sally Kirkland really wants, then the only thing I have to say to you is that you are no different then your oppressors. The only difference is that your method of oppression works in your favor. Simply put, I do not care about what you believe, just let me be as hard headed or soft hearted as I want to be and I will let you do the same.
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