Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where is the self-destruct button?

I am an idiot. I must be because when I saw the House shoot down the bailout I honestly thought that those representatives were standing on principle. Turns out all they really wanted was some more pork. It was kind of like a Jambalaya from hell. Don’t believe me? Look at the bill yourself. http://banking.senate.gov/public/_files/latestversionAYO08C32_xml.pdf

I look at this crap; The Mental health Parity Act, The Hurricane Ike Disaster Relief, The Secure Rural School and Community Self-determination Plan? No it turns out the real reason we didn’t pass the bailout the first time is because several House members needed an excuse to usurp several banks and loans. “I didn’t vote for the bailout, I voted for the disaster relief.” “No, you see, I really voted on the Mental Health Parity Act. Do you hate the mentally challenged?” I am sick and tired of these creeps covering their own behinds. A well trained sniper would have a hard time taking a shot at their butts. Where are the courageous representatives who stand up and say “No, I will not tolerate this. I will stop you from going beyond your enumerated power and stop this bill.”

If you look at the votes on this bill on congress.org, then you will see those that, hopefully, did just that. Unfortunately only the few seemed to pay attention to those pesky words in that irritating document our founders mistakenly wrote. I don’t doubt that if our founders had another go at it John Adams would have said “Hey, you know what we should add in here? We should add something like ‘and the congress shall have power to impose their will upon the markets in times that shall be determined my congress.’” On the bright side, Jefferson’s spinning body could be harnessed for some green energy.

If they were not so isolationist, I just might switch my registration to Libertarian. Unfortunately the Republican party has been taken over by cowards and moderates. (Moderate is liberal speak for a Democrat who is quite fond of elephants.) Most people at the grass roots are happy for the mere existence of Sarah Palin. Unfortunately her existence does me little good if McCain insists on her reading from scripts.

However do not get me wrong. Our ideas are not dead. The fact that I am posting this up here on the internet proves that. Trickledown theory is still popular, collectivism is still opposed harshly and the peaceniks still tick most people off. Conservatives are not dead, Conservatism is not dead. The party though, it is crashing. Politics have taken over and instead of standing up for what we believe in, the politicians stand up for what will get them re-elected.

These people are starting to disappoint me. It seems that there is little chance of people like me just getting rid of these guys the old fashioned way. So join me and let’s find that self-destruct button. Maybe we could start all over again, but most likely not. Until the Republican party grows a backbone we wont be able to do this our most sacred duty, which is get these guys out of office.

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