Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Even crazy glue can't keep his trap shut.

I bet Obama’s campaign advisors are searching for a gag that will effectively muffle his speaking. I don’t think it would help in this case though. If you haven’t heard, then let me be the first to tell you about Obama’s latest gaff. This one is about seven years old.

In 2001 Obama gave an interview with the local NPR station WBEZ in Chicago. This of course being before he was planning to run for US senator or president, he spoke his mind as liberally as he could. There were many wonderful quotes from this. A few examples are such as these.

“the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society.”

“It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted, and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf”

“one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.”

Each of these quotes by themselves is scary. The second is my favorite though. Obama there was trying to state that the constitution does not define what the government is supposed to do for you. I think this is proof positive that Obama has ADHD. He was a professor of constitutional law in Chicago and he couldn’t even bother to read a couple pages in to see Article I section VIII? Maybe he skipped that, and Article II section III. This is somewhat amazing at first but take a look at the rest of this tape that surfaced on Youtube and other sites and it becomes apparent what he means.

The first quote was his reasons for believing that the Warren court was not really that radical. This was the same court that banned prayer in school but hey, who am I to judge. Those evil Christians had it coming. Naturally this is a very important quote as of late. After all, he has been speaking of redistributing the wealth. Some claim this means nothing, but in reality context is everything, and the context is his belief that we should re-interpret the constitution. If you do not believe that then just read quote number two.

Later in the tape he was asked about how to bring about this change. (Do you understand now why change isn’t always good?) He stated that he did not feel optimistic about these types of changes being made at the court level. (i.e. he doesn’t think anyone could get away with it.) However he never said it couldn’t be done legislatively. Of course it could be done legislatively; if you read the constitution then you will know that. The question is should it be done, and unfortunately he seems to answer that question for us today and in that interview.

This certainly came at a bad time for Obama. It has been only a few weeks after Joe the Plummer reared his head and the ripple was still going. Now this causes even more people to look at him and see that dreaded S word on his head. He is already considered foreign. The only thing he really had going for him was that many people falsely believe that McCain would just be more Bush. This fear is now being combated with a bigger fear; the fear of socialism and all other forms of totalitarianism.

To this I ask the question who is really surprised that Barrack believes this? Ideas of socialism permeate his speeches, radicalism drips from every word he spews from his mouth. Are people really this blind or do they want so bad to teach the Republican Party a lesson that they are willing to destroy the country?

His pastor subscribes to black liberation theology, a philosophy derived largely from socialism. William Ares (known lovingly as the fireworks specialist. He is available for parties and insurrections) is a radical from the 60s. Normally that would be all you need to know to know Ayres is bad but it is worth noting that he was also a bomber and a self described communist. These comments are unfair though. After all, lots of us detonate bombs in our capital. It’s a game we play called “guess what kind of timer I used this time.”

“But these are all past associations, they mean nothing.” Even allowing that, doesn’t Obama tie in really well with Obama? I think that association works great. People are starting to wake up and figure out what is going on. Unfortunately early voting has been going on for a bit so this revelation will have a reduced effect.

His third quote that I pulled was by far the scariest. Sure, the first one smacks of socialism and the second one shows just how little he knows about the constitution, but the third one calls for action “on the ground”. If you substituted “political and community organizing and activities” with “Proletariat organizing and activities” then you have a near verbatim quote of Marx and Engels. Revolution is what that one is about, specifically with regard to “redistributive change.” His own website tells you that you must ask not about what change he can bring but the change you can bring. That is as fascist/socialist as you can get without wearing the colors.

“Your being paranoid.” Maybe, then again there is a reason we have more then one country in shambles because of these ideas. Countries like the USSR, Cuba, Italy, and Germany don’t convince people to help them out by promising gulags. It is always some form of Utopia that is promised. Barrack wants us to believe that if we vote for him then the middle class will prosper and the ‘evil’ rich will be brought under the reins of the government. Health care will be affordable (‘free’) and everyone will be given a fair shake. He doesn’t mention that we will also be under his thumb and that the fairness of our shake is entirely up to him, congress and bureaucrats. If you believe that he would never abuse his power like that then look at Russia under Lenin. Even if he were incorruptible then would you want to bet that the next guy will be also?

The fact is that the people are starting to see him for what he is. This is a problem because his real self is just plain scary. The polls are beginning to reflect this as the AP shows McCain just one point behind, well within the 2.5% margin of error. Well Halloween is on Friday so maybe Obama will go as himself. That might scare the children though.

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