Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back To School Obama

It has been almost a month since my last post. The reason is that I am currently dealing with the massive preparations involved in getting set up for my next two semesters at college. However, just because I am busy in my little bubble does not mean that the world has stood still.

Last week McCain and Obama had their first debate of sorts. It isn't a debate really, but more of a series of questions asked to both of them in two hours. Barak Obama, trying to prove he isn't a radical as the "Vicious Right" says he is, gave nothing but noncommittal answers the whole interview. This made him appear, well, noncommittal. This isn't good, as it is only a short step away from weak and can even worsen the flip flopping accusation he is already suffering from.

Later when McCain answered the same questions, McCain was more direct with every answer. This at best (for Obama) does not cause McCain to suffer the same problems Barrack is suffering from. At worst, it even can make McCain look strong.

(For those who did not watch this you may still find the unedited video on C-Span. If you prefer edited versions with snarky commentary then I am sure You Tube has more than enough to satisfy.)

I do not often relish in helping out competition and really am not fond of doing the same for someone as socialistic as Obama but here are a few tips for not doing this again.

1. Keep to your issues or, at the very least state, your false positions on your issues. You may be called a flip-flopper but that is eternally preferable to being called weak.

2. Give straight answers. If the ground you stand on is wishy-washy, then your ground may very well crumble into a vast landslide.

3. Stop pissing off your base and this goes for McCain, too. The more you stop talking the talk, the less likely your base will support the undecideds you might get.

4. Stand on your principles. A lie is still a lie and the American people are not stupid enough to simply accept anything you tell them as being the truth. The more you stray away from your positions in the primary the more people are going to resent you.

Also on another note, Stop Playing the Race Card, Obama! No one buys it. In a day and age when I would have to literally go look for a single racist, I am not going to buy that. There is this vast swath of voters and Republicans who want nothing more than to stop you from becoming president for many other reasons. Unless, of course, by racist you are including anti-socialists as well.

I don't expect anyone in the Obama campaign to read this or even anyone to read this, but I had to say it. Even if someone from the Obama campaign did read this, I doubt they would take heed. They know their ideas are unpopular. An idiot would take just a moment of thought to arrive to the conclusion that their ideas ultimately lead to dictator ships or as Jonah Goldberg argues, Fascism. Democrats know this, so their ideas are either prettied up or hidden completely. Just as well, I certainly hope Obama loses, then we only have Hillary to deal with in four years. Although I hate to say it, I think Hillary would make a less destructive president then Obama. Now if you excuse me, that last comment makes me want to take a shower.

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