Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Independance Day '08

As the day of our independance draws near many people begin to think about the fireworks, the hot dogs and burgers, the festivals and parties. So as the Fourth of July approches stop and think about how we got here.

In the year 1770 no government on the face of the earth existed that was like the US. Just a few short years before we declared independance from Britan. Think about that. That means that our founders had very little to go on when it came to founding our government. If you were to found your own government what would you make it? If you think long enough you would undoubtedly come up with not just a government but even an economy and a culture. You may even go so far, as I have done when I was little, as to try to enforce laws to make the people of your country follow your own version of utopia. It is a beutiful idea huh? See, we all have this idea of a perfect society that if everyone just adhered to the the world would be perfect. If you stop to think though, what if your idea of utopia is someone elses idea of hell? Some may say I don't care; I know better. Now what if you were in someone elses idea of utopia? Talk to enough people and you will note that everyone elses idea of utopia is at least a little different. Suddenly you may be transported to paradise or a newer, more gruesome version of Nazi germany.

This is how profound our forefathers were. They knew that one man's tresure is another man's curse. So just think on this. What would you do knowing this? Well I can't know but I do know what Thomas Jefferson said "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens." The simple fact is that, assuming you are a benevolent leader, you will never have want to control your people. Imagine your people angry at you because you did one thing or another. To be more exact to his meaning, only a tyrant can come of a dictator. One other quote from him that strikes me is "The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object." This quote shows what the Declaration is all about. Our founders knew that there was no way to make a just government that listened only to the one and so instead they focused their efforts on making our government a government that listend to the many. This perfect government would only protect your freedoms and that this goal is the best and single most important thing in the world.

I would also like to talk about patriotism. defines patriotism as devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty. Certainly this is an honorable goal for all. Patriotism is sometimes used as some kind of political hockey puck with people questioning each others patriotism all the time. I am not saying that patriotism isn't important and I definately think this is a laudable trait, but sometimes it seems like a futile political game. If someone isn't a patriot then it is always obvious to those who are. It is as if patriotism is a tie-dye shirt. Everyone without one stares at the few who do. One major trait of patriotism is the self sacrifice for your own country, so by this standard all veterans are patriots, but sacrifice need not be just your life but your time or your money and maybe even your family. As John Adams, a hero of mine, said "Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives." In this sense, patriotism is the most important national resourse in the world.

So enjoy your barbeques and your fireworks shows. Just remember that those who came before us, those who graced us with their wisdom, are precicely why we are here. If not for them and every life given in the liberation and defense of our great country we may still be british and the world may never have known freedom.

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