Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Marriage Problem

Raise your hand if you know about the California ruling regarding gay marriage. If your reading this you probably already know but it is possible that you don't. Basically the people of California voted to make same sex marriage unrecognised in the state of California. then in a typical move of supreme court judges they struck down the law claiming that it was discrimination. I don't agree with this ruling at all. Oh god, another conservative against gay marriage!!! Nope, sure you thought that though.

I have two problems with this ruling. My first problem is that once again Judges have decided that their job is not to interpret the laws but to write them. This is probably the most irritating to me as in my great state of Nevada the same thing was done by our own judges who decided all on their own that a particular law voted in by the people should be struck down. The law struck down was a state constitutional amendment that forbid any tax increase without a minimum of two-thirds of the state assembly and Senate. Their reasoning in our case was that we, the people, were to uniformed and did not know what we were voting on. To pass an amendment to the constitution here in the state of Nevada the law must be passed twice. So in essence, the supreme court judges here decided that we were to stupid to vote, but I digress.

The other problem I have is that this should not be legislated in the first place. Granted, California voters have the right to make any laws they want in their own state but this is not about their state. the goal is to try to force people to accept, no overwhelmingly support homosexuals. You cannot make me do anything. If I chose not to accept white guys with blond hair and freckles then that is my choice. A simple fact is that this problem of gay marriage is insane because the idea of ANY state sanctioned marriage is insane. I do not care about who gets married to who or even what but I do have a problem with the idea of state sanctioned marriage licences.

There are two reasons for this. Number one, by stating that a marriage is accepted is to state that anyone who disagrees is wrong. This being done on an individual level is fine, we all are different after all. But this is being done on a state and federal level. You are for all intents and purposes saying that you are not only wrong but that you could be held accountable for your beliefs. My even bigger problem is that as I said, people are getting marriage licences. This being true raises the question of what gives the state/federal government the right to tell me I can marry someone. This is not like getting a drivers licence where you have to pass a test to determine whether or not you are competent. This is a subjective test where someone else literally get to decide, for whatever reason they want, that you are "good enough" to get married. You pro-gay marriage advocates should pay close attention, the mere existence of this kind of thinking is what you at least claim to be against. No one and I mean no one has a right to tells someone else who they should really love..

In closing I am ticked off that and court thinks that is can overstep its boundary and rule against the people, but I am also irritated that some entity high in the sky thinks it can make decisions about my life and anyone else's life. If you are gay and reading this now I will tell you that if you are in love then find someone to perform the ceremony, screw marriage licences. Who cares if others agree with you. If on the other hand your goal isn't to spend your life with someone. If your goal is instead to dictate to me what I SHOULD believe, something I have no doubt Sally Kirkland really wants, then the only thing I have to say to you is that you are no different then your oppressors. The only difference is that your method of oppression works in your favor. Simply put, I do not care about what you believe, just let me be as hard headed or soft hearted as I want to be and I will let you do the same.

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