Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I am back.

I have taken A haiatus of almost a year. I decided for no particular reason to change the name of my blog and deleted my previous posts. To sum up what this is, it is sufficient to say that I am a conservative and this is where I go to vent my frustrations. Why the name? Well... I dont know, just seemed nice.

Making the incorrect assuption that you care, I am a psy student at UNLV. I am currently an honors student. Origonally I was home schooled and later started college at the age of sixteen. Now I am a Jr. with a psy major and a math minor. (Strange combination huh?) Knowing as much about psycology as I do, I think I know now that I should be institutionalized.

My mother is a political consultant, as such I know how the system works. I am a sort of idealist in that I truly beleive that given the right information, people will come to a correct conclusion. Often I am confounded in this belief as people continue to fail to learn from the past. Yes that is right... history is important.

Most of my beliefs I hold come from my family although I do not think I would hold them today if I thought there was anything wrong with them. To give an idea of what I mean it would be easiest to say that I am a big fan of Spock. When I was little, about twelve to thriteen, I watched the origonal series and fell in love with Spock. He seemed smart and was always right so I modeled my thought after him. Thats right, logic is my forte. I tend to ignore feelings and go for things that make the most sense. That, of course, is a requirement of logical thinking. Yes I know what you may be thinking, I am souless and care about no one. Not true. I just will not subject my intellegence to rule under feelings.

I am done talking about myself though and want to get back into talking about political events so Let us begin shall we?

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